It’s all about the people… Face and Voices from around Europe…
Empowered People Lukas When I think about how things were less than a year ago – I could barely get out of bed before lunchtime. Now, I have qualifications and I know exactly what I want to do with my life. UK online centres has helped me in so many ways – I get up early, I’m off the drink, and I want to help other people to do the same. I’m determined to push myself to the limit, and beyond. I know I can do it.” Lukas, Liverpool
Women… Neelie…. “Every European Digital” massively important mantra. Leave no one behind. In UK “Digital by Default” Europe is the world leader in Digital Inclusion 7 in 10 in EC (6 in 10 in wider Europe) have skills, confidence & access to web connected PC. Policies and practice over long timeframe EC has played big role, but still important to be ambitious. Half offliners to 15% by m per annum, 120,000 per week Networks challenged by dwindling resources, and expectation to reach hardest to reach with less.
…staff Telecentre-Europe Network Metrics: 100+ organisations, 500 individuals 33 countries across Europe (20 more globally) 30k+ telecentres, 10m people per year EC, Microsoft,, Liberty Global, TechSoup Get Online Week 2011 : 112k people brought online 5000 centres, 30 countries 20k NEVER used internet before
Early adopter Functional use Communications Information Transactions Content creator Entertainment Social Virtual resident Their digital journey…. The confidence ladder Entrepreneur
It’s the staff …. These support networks and their staff are vital to empowering citizens Local volunteers or ‘Digital Champions’ unlock capacity, and help lead and inspire people on their journey And the resources they use…. But they need delivery network venues, and a range of learning products, with campaigns to stimulate demand. And the local partnerships they create…
Intergenerational learning
Peer learning
Unemployed people…. Blackpool CVS & Jobcentre Plus partnership “We have computers available in our centre, but twice a month we go across to the Jobcentre itself so we’re right in front of people’s noses. If they can get going in familiar surroundings, they’re far more confident about coming to us.” “Often, people just don’t realise just how important IT skills are when you’re looking for a job - these days, 90% of all jobs need IT skills, 80% of jobs are advertised online, and 13% aren’t advertised offline anywhere”
Older people… “Consider that I used to work in a bank, but I always tried to avoid tasks entailing use of computers! Now that I am retired I have realised I cant do without them. I read about Get Online Week in the newspaper, and I decided not to waste the chance. Now I am 70, I have realised the internet is a tool for all ages.” Colombo Gianpiero, 70, a retired bank employee, Milan
Disabled people
Largely the same….. …. except, more informed …. and MUCH more skilled to get new job Online vs Offline people
New internet users: how they felt before, and now they are online Feel like they can communicate more Feel more connected to local community Feel MUCH less concerned about skills, work and health Before After
Sometimes… it is about the money Digital Champion in UK raised economic case to govt of £1.2bn savings from bringing people online, based on 12 trans. saved per annum. UK Research now shows 28 transactions switched per year = €250/ person/ year every year… or €18.75BN per year for the 200m remaining offline in Europe €28m saved for the 112k people online from Get Online Week.
Aspirational, empowered people Shagufta "For me, learning about computers and the internet has opened up whole new worlds. I didn't know anything about them before I came here, but now I'm on the internet all the time, and I find it fascinating. When I started last year, I didn't even know how to turn the computer on, what to do with the mouse or how to read the instructions on screen. In the first few weeks, I wrote notes by hand about what I had to do, so I would remember - I was determined to learn.. My brother and sister are in the United Arab Emirates. It's very expensive buying phone cards to call such a long way, but means we can all keep in touch for free. With UK online centres, courses are free too. I would never have been able to afford to learn all of this otherwise, and I can't tell you what a difference it has made to my life and to my family. "Being able to has really helped my confidence and made the world seem much more interesting. Now, I can see a photograph from Pakistan in five or ten minutes, rather than having to wait ten days for the post”