Managing People Across Spaces and Places: The role of HR and FM in transforming Work Dr John McGurk Head of CIPD Scotland
2 | Presentation title here What's in store >Preamble about FM >A bit about CIPD Scotland >A bit about how CIPD sees the future of work >My own focus on workplace >Some thoughts on how HR and FM can work better together to facilitate change and agility
3 | Presentation title here CIPD Scotland >Member Networks >Commercial and Professional partnerships >Influencing Government and Policy
4 | Presentation title here
5 | Presentation title here Work: its work Jim but not as we know it Innovation not just for Googlers Collaboration is king IT therefore I am The Only constant about careers change and Agility.
6 | Presentation title here Workforce: Outside and in and on and on. Conditional and contingent employment The rise of the task sharing economy Outsourcing Contractors as core Generations
7 | Presentation title here Workplace: Dilbert is not dead yet The cubicle still rules in some peoples heads Have fun and the work (usually) gets done Spaces can be a blocker and an enabler
8 | Presentation title here Unofficial title >How my mum stopped getting what I did for a living and what it tells us about the challenge of workspace.
9 | Presentation title here workplace > Apprenticeship >Three “A”s >Hard hats to high tech >Factory environment
10 | Presentation title here workplace >Footplate >Training >Facilities!! >Shifting around
11 | Presentation title here workplace >Chalk and acetate >Textbook by powerpoint >Leave me alone >Publish and flourish
12 | Presentation title here Workplace (theirs) >The office and autopilot >Hazards at height >Long periods of boredom.. >Rest and be thankful >hygiene >What next
13 | Presentation title here workplace >lounging about and working >Connecting with buzz and bustle. >Hot desking >Training myself to work
14 | Presentation title here My workspaces
15 | Presentation title here How HR and FM Can Facilitate the Change >Give people nice places to work but remember its about culture as well >Work with all the enablers, disablers and enragers >ICT, H&V, F&D, >Don't get obsessed with place >Work light and help people to connect physically and virtually >Redefine our purpose around engagement and yes happiness where and how people work!