The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Health Care for People with Disabilities Presented by Lisa D. Ekman Director of Federal Policy, Health & Disability Advocates DC Advocacy Partners is the District Class May 9., 2104
What this presentation will cover: Why was the ACA needed ? What was actually in the ACA? How is implementation going? What barriers still exist to people with disabilities to getting quality care?
Why was the ACA needed? 55 million people did not have any health insurance Individual health insurance policies were not covering what people needed Health care costs were increasing
55 million people uninsured Why does that matter? People’s health matters AND Health care related bankruptcies No preventative care Everyone pays more when uninsured get treatment
Private Insurance Problems Inadequate benefits/insurance policies Lack of access for people with pre-existing conditions Not affordable for people with any illness Caps on what policies would spend Canceled policies when people need them
Health Care Costs The United States spends much more per person than other countries on health care but doesn’t get good outcomes Almost 1 in 5 dollars created by our economy goes toward health care costs The aging of the baby boomers will cause that share to increase
The ACA Had 2 Main Goals 1.Expand access to affordable comprehensive coverage AND 2.Help control health care costs
How the ACA Expands Access to Coverage How do people get health insurance? Private Insurance Employer Sponsored Individual Market Public Insurance Medicare Medicaid
How the ACA Expands Access (cont) Private insurance problems were mostly in the individual market – no pooling of risk Some people could not get a policy at all – pre- existing condition ban For some it was too expensive if had any health issues Rescission – dropping people when sick
How the ACA Expands Access (cont) The ACA created new “risk pools” – To make the individual market more like the employer market They are called marketplaces – some states have their own and some use the Federal one Individual and Employer Mandates
How the ACA Expands Access (cont) The ACA reformed private insurance requirements: Ban on considering pre-existing conditions Cannot charge people more for premiums because sick No annual caps/no lifetime caps Cannot drop people when they get sick All policies must cover essential health benefits
What Are Essential Health Benefits (EHB)? ambulatory patient services; emergency services; hospitalization; maternity and newborn care; mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment; prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; laboratory services; preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management; and pediatric services, including oral and vision care.
Other Private Insurance Reforms Coverage for dependent children up to age 26 Community Rating – everybody pays same regardless of health status or gender Increasing transparency – insurance companies have to do a better job of telling people what is covered under the policies Online information so people can make apple to apple comparison
How the ACA Makes Coverage Affordable Subsidies and Limits on Costs People making between 138% of FPL and 400% of FPL can get help paying for their health insurance premiums There is a cap on the total amount people must spend per year on health care
How the ACA Expands Coverage (cont) Medicaid Expansion Every state was supposed to offer Medicaid to: Adults whose income was up to 138% of the federal poverty line Did not have a limit on resources like other Medicaid eligibility categories Would include EHB services as required services
How the ACA Expands Care (cont) Access to Home and Community Based Services Under Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services State Plan Option Community First Choice State Balancing Incentive Payments Program Money Follows the Person (MFP)
How is implementation going? Private Health Insurance Every state is offering private insurance that meets the new requirements. Most states are participating in the Federally Facilitated Marketplace or FFM but some states are running their own DC has its own marketplace More than 8 million people have insurance through the Marketplaces!
How is implementation going? Medicaid 27 states have expanded Medicaid 5 states are still considering it 19 have said they won’t move forward at this time About 3.9 million people insured through Medicaid expansion
Barriers for People with Disabilities Some benefits are still not adequate Can’t have annual spending caps but can have limit on the number visits or number or types of devices Prescription coverage Durable medical equipment like wheelchairs Supplies Habilitation
Barriers for People with Disabilities (cont) With private insurance there are still: Some policies that don’t include enough or the right specialists Some doctors offices that are not accessible Some insurance policies might discriminate against people with certain conditions
Barriers for People with Disabilities (cont) In Medicaid: Some people can’t get the long-term services and supports (LTSS) they need Some programs are expiring or haven’t been taken up: Money Follows the Person expires in 2016 Only 8 states took up Community First Choice option