Aulani "Biokimia Enzim" Presentasi 8 Purification Enzyme Aulanni’am Biochemistry Laboratory Chemsitry Depatment Brawijaya University
Aulani "Biokimia Enzim" Presentasi 8 How to Separate These Objects wood stone cotton wood wood cotton stone wood stone cotton stone cotton cotton wood stone Shape Size Density Shape Density Size Sieving different sizes Different sedimentation Different rolling speed
Aulani "Biokimia Enzim" Presentasi 8 Basic Principles of Protein Purification Ammonium sulfate fractionation Cell Organelle Homogenization Macromolecule Nucleic acid Carbohydrate (Lipid) Size Charge Polarity Affinity Small molecule Cell Debris Protein Amino acid, Sugar, Nucleotides, etc Gel filtration, SDS-PAGE, Ultrafiltration Ion exchange, Chromatofocusing, Disc-PAGE, Isoelectric focusing Reverse phase chromatography, HIC, Salting-out Affinity chromatography, Hydroxyapatite
Aulani "Biokimia Enzim" Presentasi 8