WHAT IS COMMUNICATION? Sharing meaning: I understand you and you understand me
The Communication Equation What you hear 40% of the message Tone of voice Vocal clarity Verbal expressiveness What you see or feel Facial expression 50% of the message Dress and grooming Posture Eye contact Touch Gesture WORDS …10% of the message!
Effective Communication Skills Effective Communication
How to Listen Listen first and acknowledge what you hear, even if you don’t agree with it, before expressing your point of view. Acknowledging and Agreeing are two very different things.
Barriers to Effective Communication Effective Communication
Strategies for Effective Communication with people with disabilities: Some key points Effective listening is crucial Think of the person first and disability second Accept people with disabilities as individuals Listen and don’t assume you know what’s best for them Be yourself... Be natural... Don’t patronise Communicate in a manner that is appropriate to their age Speak directly to the person; not to their carer or third party The person with disability will often let you know if they have a communication problem
Communication Methods for People with Vision Impairment – Large print – Information and communication technology – Audiotape/CD-ROM – Radio – Braille
Communication Methods for People with Hearing Impairment - Written/printed information - Captioning - Telephone typewriter (TTY) and/or National Relay Service (NRS) - Sign language - Audio loop
Communication Challenges for People with Disabilities
Communication Strategies for People with Specific Disabilities Augmentive and alternative communication – all communication that is not speech, but used to enhance or replace speech - pointing and gestures - mime - facial expressions - body language - signing - object symbols - photos, drawing, symbols - communication boards and displays - speech generating devices - spelling
Appropriate Language in the Disability Field Language is important in the field of Disability. Words used many years ago are, in many cases, no longer acceptable. We need to emphasise that the person is not a disability, but they are a person that has a disability. Appropriate terms Inappropriate terms
Conflict and Issue Resolution
Self-awareness in conflict situations
The Brain and how it hijacks us in crucial conversations!
Emergency Kit for Challenging Conversations! Calm yourself down! Think about what you really need – the outcome you are trying to achieve. Imagining your partner-in-conflict as a potential ally. Begin by being factual, non-personal but clear and ask for clarification. Listen and acknowledge the other person and affirm anything that you can agree on. Acknowledge and apologise for any mistakes you have made in the course of the conflict. Summarise the other person’s needs, feelings and position as fairly as you can. Focus on the positive goals for the present and the future. When positions collide, focus on principles and potential referees. Make requests for specific actions and have clear timeframes, etc.
Conflict Resolution 3 aspects of successful conflict resolution: 1.Desire and necessity for the conflict to be resolved 2.Understanding of possible resistances 3.Methods of conflict resolution
Negotiation: The art of reaching a mutually satisfying agreement!
Confidentiality: A critical aspect of your duty of care What is confidentiality? Importance of confidentiality Confidentiality agreement Legislation governing confidentiality Exceptions to the general rule of confidentiality Breaches of confidentiality Confidentiality and duty of care Confidentiality and privacy Confidentiality and security
Duty of Care and Ethical Conduct