270 2,000,000+ Large companies in Australia employ 50% Of the Private Sector labour force Small businesses employ the other Of the Private Sector labour force Data sourced from Australian Human Resources Institute
The Rate of Failure of Small Businesses in Australia is Staggering
Insolvency in Small Businesses keep increasing Data sourced from Australian Bureau of Statistics
1.Poor cash management 2.Poor Marketing Two Big Reasons Are Image Credit: Winners & Losers in Retail by Peter flickr.com under CC/BY modified by cropping the original
There is a third silent assassin POOR PEOPLE MANAGEMENT Image Credit: Local on flickr.com under CC/BY
A Business is only as good as its PEOPLE
People bring uniqueness to their jobs by combining EXPERTISE AND PASSION Image credit: worker cutting metal pipe by marin and doctor woman by Luigi Diamanti/freedigitalphotos.net
Big Businesses focus on harnessing this power
Small Businesses have to deal with the same challenges as their Big Corporate Brothers HIRING TRAINING MANAGING STAFF PAYING MARKET RATES EVER CHANGING LEGAL ISSUES
In Addition,
They compete with BIG BUSINESSES to recruit TALENT Image credit: Stockimages/freedigitalphotos.net
They have to comply with laws that are more suitable for large businesses BUT APPLY TO THEM AS WELL
PEOPLE ARE NOT ON MANAGEMENT’S RADAR Yes NoMay be Compliance Pro-active Staff Management And yet, for most small businesses
Managing People = Problem NOT A PRIORITY Image Credit: Stress!! by flickr.com under CC/BY
Resulting into 1. Industrial Relations Issues with financial and non-financial costs
2. Loss of Productivity adding THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS annually to the running costs
Bring PEOPLE MANAGEMENT at the forefront of your mind
Understand your legal obligations as an EMPLOYER
You can get assistance from: Fair Work Commission Fair Work Ombudsman Australian Taxation Office
Download this FREE e-book from our website. This will help you to get started. Download Now
Create a PERFORMANCE FOCUSED workplace
Start by hiring RIGHT people in every role CREATE A
Ensure they are TRAINED To do their job well
Make every employee feel as a VALUED MEMBER of the Team
It doesn’t have to be an EXPENSIVE exercise
COMMUNICATION, UNDERSTANDING, ENCOURAGEMENT, INTEGRITY, RESPECT and FAIRNESS. Slowly these help build a PERFORMANCE CULTURE What matters most are Image credit: Stuart Miles/freedigitalphotos.net
Pro-active People Management Want to know more? Contact Us on This presentation is owned by Next Gen Teams Pty Ltd. All rights reserved © 2014