Presentation Caritas Vienna Kick Off Desyodip –
Caritas Vienna in numbers ~ employees ~ volunteers in the facilities ~ volunteers in parishes ~ 224 Mio Euro turnover
Caritas Vienna in figures: Where do our funds come from?
Fields of activities of Caritas Vienna: What are our funds used for?
Caritas Vienna for challenged People ~ 920 employees ~ 2200clients ~ 43 MioEuro turnover
Caritas Vienna for Challenged People
Caritas Vienna Vocational Inclusion ~ 50 employees ~ 800clients ~ 2,2 Mio Euro turnover
Divisions in vocational inclusion
Carpenter Assistant Training for young challenged people who are not able to finish a regular vocational training They learn basical skills which are helpful to become assistants in a carpenter‘s workshop
Assistant for Elderly People Training for young challenged people who like to work with elderly people. They learn basical skills which are helpful to become assistants in a nursing home for the elderly.
Vocational Clearing in Daycenters Challenged People in daycenters who had worked in the employment market get help in increasing their skills in searching for a job
Vocational Training Assistance Supports with concluding the apprenticeship or training agreement with regular contact with the business and vocational college by organising learning aids or involving job coaches by helping to prepare for the final examination
Work Assistance Supports people with disabilities searching for a job or apprenticeship clarifying professional perspectives securing jobs Supports companies questions on legal conditions support in the search for and employment of suitable workers solution of problems in the collaboration with other employees
Job Coaching Supports people with disabilities and companies with aspects such as organising work processes solving problems with colleagues and superiors questions on legal conditions, grants or resources
Youth Coaching Supports to answer questions like should I continue with school or take up an apprenticeship? what jobs interest me? where do I need support?
The Austrian Education System
Thank you for your Attention Ing. in Mag. a Martina Größl Project Manager Youth Coaching Caritas Vienna Mag. a Brigitte Tuschl Project Manager Youth Coaching Caritas Vienna