Social Care and Inclusion Talk about charging. The Council has to make hard decisions Thank you for taking time to talk to us about charging for community.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Care and Inclusion Talk about charging

The Council has to make hard decisions Thank you for taking time to talk to us about charging for community social services

We want to carry on supporting vulnerable people This document explains what we are talking about and why, what he have done so far and how you can get involved.

Contact us or attend a meeting For more information What do you think about how we charge people ?

Keith Skerman, Executive director, social care and inclusion You want information in another language or format Councillor Diane Coughlan, Portfolio holder for social care and inclusion Contact

The council is looking at what people pay who live in their own home for community social services H Home care

There is a need to change how you pay for service due to changes in the law Take into account new law and guidance

What have we done so far? Met with representatives Met with key groups of service users and carers. Held focus groups Spoken and met with other people

What else have we done? Taken into account complaints Used this feedback given Speaking to existing service users and carers Feed back

What do we want to do? Government wants councils to make people pay towards the community social services they have. The new laws gives councils the right to make choices whether to charge for these services. We want to treat people fair how we charge for services. Community alarms Extra care housing Direct payments Day centres Home care Walsall has a fairer charging policy which asks people who are eligible to pay towards the cost of their care services

Law says some social services are free You will pay depending on what money you have When looking at what money you have, If you have less than £14,250, council will take no notice. -£14,250

£14,250 - £23,250 If you have £14,250 and £23,250, council will take into account what you will pay for. + £23,500 If you have more than £23,500, council may ask for the full cost. If you own the home you live in, council’s can’t take your home into account when charging for services

To see how much money you have the council will do a money assessment, some of the benefits you get may be taken into account. The council cannot take into account these benefits Mobility component of Disability living allowance Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement Night Care Payment Child Tax Credit

Council must allow you money to help you live with your disability before they charge you Council must ignore your wages if you work The council should give you information about your benefits

Council to make sure you know why you are asked to be pay, and if you don’t understand to find someone to help you understand, it could be an advocate. People wanted to see a fair policy across all groups of people. A easy system to understand assessments, and how to pay. The council must treat everyone the same. If you do have to pay, the money you get must not be less than the basic level of income support, guarantee credit or pension credit plus 25 %.

If a charge is to be made, it would be best to pay from the start. This may stop people from using services Carers being charged: people thought this should be charged for, depending on if they could afford to pay. Other people agreed that carers were good for the care market and should be not be asked to pay towards the cost of their support. If people receive good quality care they are more likely to pay for it.

Pay for own care More needs to be done to reach who find consultation difficult to understand Under the Care Act and Children and Families Act 2014, local authorities will have new responsibilities Self funders – people who pay for the own care, the council may charge to arrange care on a persons behalf Carers can be assessed and receive support in their own right, and could have to pay for these services.

For more information on the Care Act, please see factsheets/care-act-factsheets-2 Under the Children’s Act and Families Act, parent carers with a child with eligible needs, may also be assessed and receive supports in their own right. Children's services will be responsible for meeting children’s needs. Council will meet parental support needs as well.