HIGHLY EFFECTIVE How to become By Stephen Covey PEOPLE
HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE There are 7 habits of According to Stephen Covey
The first three habits: PERSONAL VICTORY First Part
Be Be Proactive ! Decide and do it wholeheartedly 1 Habit
Proactive Person Be means
Take responsibility in your life
Not blaming people or situation
Focus your time and effort in doing things you can influence
Begin With Start Everything You Do With A Clear Objective 2 The End The End In Mind Habit
END In Mind Start everything with means
Able to create mental image of end result clearly
TWO PHASE of Creation: In fact, All achievement and creation has
1. When you create the mental picture 2. When you create it in real world
Final result of a creation will follow how it has been created mentally It’s like a blue print,
First Things First Always Start With The Most Important 3 Habit
Focus on PRIORITY This means, We can not solve everything in our life
Think Win-Win Think to win together Not ‘win/lose’ 4 Habit
WIN-WIN Start with cooperation, and aim for mutual benefit to all parties Think means
Understand others 5 before they understand you Then be understood Habit Seek first to understand,
LISTEN Don’t ask people to understand you. Instead, try to see from other’s perspective first. In the end, they will understand you. Try to
Do synergize with other people 6 Habit SynergizeSynergize
Synergize Combining our strengths with others to create something together. Not to compete or defeat others. Always do means
The last habit is about SELF Renewal Third Part
Make sure your saw always in a good shape 7 and functioning well Habit Sharpen The Saw
Always maintain and renew your greatest assets Yourself Always means
Aspects that needs physical social/emotional continuous renewal: mental spiritual Four
Enable you in doing the highly effective habits all the time Your habit for self renewal will help to
Let ’ s recap,
Be Be Proactive ! Decide and do it wholeheartedly 1
2 Begin With Start Everything You Do With A Clear Objective The End The End In Mind
First Things First Always Start With The Most Important 3
Think Win-Win Think to win together Not ‘win/lose’ 4
Understand others 5 before they understand you Then be understood Seek first to understand,
Do synergize with other people 6 SynergizeSynergize
Make sure your saw always in a good shape 7 Sharpen The Saw and functioning well
Highly Effective The Seven Habits Of People That’s by Stephen Covey
Adapted from: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey PowerPoint design by Herry Mardian and Muhammad Noer BestPresentation.net Photo Credit: Slide 15: ‘Paper Prototyping’ by Grant Hutchins. Slide 18: ‘jsc2010e089924’ by NASA robonaut Slide 20: ‘y2.d7 | That Edit Girl’ by Bryan Rosengrant Slide 22: ‘What Is It that Makes A Good Real Estate Agent Great?’ by Susana Fernandez Slide 19: ‘Take Off With A Good Book’ by Thomas Cunningham Slide 25: ‘I Saw What You Did There’ by Erik Soderstrom Under Creative Commons License Slide 1, 4, 9: Herry Mardian’s Personal Stock Photo Collection
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