Mark Fitzmaurice Director and Master Trainer Over 20 years Dale Carnegie Training 80 countries 97 years, since ,000,000 people taken our programmes
In what areas do you need to be more effective at Influencing People?
What are some challenges associated with Influencing People?
Having a positive can do attitude
Remember 20 random items, forwards and backwards, in the exact order, with the exact colour, without writing them down Inside 4 minutes What are you thinking?
Rapport Influencing Leading
Don’t criticise, condemn or complain Give honest, sincere appreciation Create in the other person an eager want Become genuinely interested in them Smile Remember and use their names Be a good listener Talk in terms of the their interests Make people feel valued and important, and do it sincerely
Avoid Arguments Show respect for other person’s opinion If you are wrong admit it quickly Begin in a friendly way Get the other person saying YES, YES Let the other person do most of the talking Let them think the idea is theirs See their point of view Be sympathetic with their ideas Appeal to the nobler motives Dramatise your ideas Throw down a challenge