Idaho State Employee Wellness Division of Professional-Technical Education Jody Zauha Why Wellness – Why Now?


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Presentation transcript:

Idaho State Employee Wellness Division of Professional-Technical Education Jody Zauha Why Wellness – Why Now?

The irony... At a time when employers want people who are healthier, thinner, faster, younger, and less stressed, the general population is becoming less healthy, fatter, slower, older, and more stressed! Corporate Health & Well-being Management Compendium, Vie Life Idaho State Employee Wellness Health Matters

Wellness is caring for the ‘whole’ person - physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. It’s about being productive, feeling good physically and emotionally, and interacting in a positive way with people and the environment. Idaho State Employee Wellness Health Matters

Today’s workplace is impacted by A larger number of workers with sedentary lifestyles and fast food habits potentially resulting in increased use of health services at an earlier age The Baby Boomers coming of age, experiencing more health needs and increasing use of health care services Idaho State Employee Wellness Health Matters

The Graying of America – people are living longer, utilizing more health care Workplace stress is at its highest level and getting higher; stress is a contributing factor/cause of many life illnesses Hospital and pharmaceutical costs are rising The Obesity Epidemic is at a national all time high; obesity often results from poor nutrition and inactivity Idaho State Employee Wellness

Why wellness – why now? Because good health is our most valuable possession. And healthy, well employees are an important key to a productive and cost effective workplace. Idaho State Employee Wellness Health Matters

The productive workplace… Is an environment where there is sustained or improved mental concentration, physical and mental stamina, positive problem solving, appropriate reaction time, and memory. A productive, well workplace results in greater alertness, better relations with co-workers, lower stress, and more enjoyment of work. Idaho State Employee Wellness Health Matters

The cost effective workplace means… Better service to Idaho’s citizens A more efficient workplace and a more effective state budget Preventable illnesses (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, lung disease, and others) make up 70% of illness costs in the United States. Reducing just one health risk increases productivity by 9% and decreases absenteeism by 2%. Physically active people save $500 a year in healthcare costs. Idaho State Employee Wellness Health Matters

Benefits of workplace wellness For the employee –Higher job satisfaction, increased ability to cope with stress, improved health and well being, increased productivity and effectiveness at work For the organization –Reduced absenteeism, injuries, and turnover, disability compensation, health care costs, and life insurance costs For the State of Idaho –More productive and efficient employees result in better service to Idaho’s citizens; and healthy employees have a positive impact on the health of their communities and the state Idaho State Employee Wellness Health Matters

Time for a paradigm shift? Shift to I can make choices Shift to Being a conscientious consumer Shift thinking from… Good health is out of my control Shift thinking from… Insurance is an entitlement Idaho State Employee Wellness Health Matters

Empowering employees with information Encouraging and supporting healthy behaviors Creating local provider partnerships & networks Knowing your areas of risk Creating a healthy work environment means... Health Matters

Workplace wellness tools… Health Matters Website, State of Idaho Health Matters monthly e-newsletter Local health care providers: hospitals, district health office, clinics, speakers Local UofI Extension Office, college, or university Idaho State Employee Wellness Health Matters

Your agency’s wellness ‘point person’ to keep wellness visible, communicate information, connect people with existing resources, and coordinate with any statewide efforts Well Connected Website, Blue Cross of Idaho Idaho State Employee Wellness

Agency Wellness Contact Have a plan; focus your goal Determine monies available (optional) Walk the talk Next Steps Health Matters Idaho State Employee Wellness

Nutrition & Weight Management Diabetes Smoking Cessation Inactivity Stress Management Major Impact Areas Include Health Matters Idaho State Employee Wellness

Knowledge and information work Many lifestyle illnesses are preventable and correctable State of Idaho employees want to get involved Existing resources can be used at minimal to ‘no cost’ to your agency Wellness is a win-win The Good News Idaho State Employee Wellness Health Matters

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