Accreditation and Young People with Special Needs Moving forward together to ensure that every learner fulfils his or her full potential Shirley Jones and Marbeth Wilson
Scoping Exercise - ETI To map out current learning pathways for young people with SEN in special and mainstream schools To identify an accreditation framework to support and enable young people to transition successfully and progress to further education and training
Policy Context The Education and Skills Authority Every School a Good School The Entitlement Framework Area Based Planning Qualifications and Credit Framework The review of Special Education and the Inclusion agenda
Department of Education “A course should consist of an extended period of learning which leads to a quality assured award from a professional body which is independent of the school/centre” and “a process of developing and assessing specific knowledge and/or understanding and/or skills which will enable the young person to deal with opportunities and challenges in life.”
Special Needs Reference Group “The need for progression, coherence, flexibility in size and level suited to the needs of learners” and “a strong emphasis on recognition of achievement within a framework of approved qualifications.”
Progression to Further and Training Age appropriate and build on the accreditation provided in Special and Mainstream Schools; Curriculum offers should focus on employability, independent living and life skills; High expectations, appropriate pace and challenge; Opportunities for achievement within and across levels (horizontal as well as vertical progression)
Marbeth Wilson Park School’s Accreditation Journey...
Moving Forward In small groups consider: What you and your school need to do to put in place, or develop further, appropriate learning pathways for your pupils? and What needs to be done to facilitate this journey for all?