Organizational Support to Knowledge Management Madz Quiamco AIJC
Organizational Support to KM knowledge creation, continuity, sharing, and sustained use organizational goals people, people, technology and technology and organizational qualities organizational qualities
Organizational Support to KM Barriers to KM: Organizational structure barriers Organizational structure barriers - Silo Company - Not-invented-here Company - Babel Company - By-the-book Company - Bolt-it-on Company
Organizational Support to KM Management barriers Management barriers confusing environment inadequate policies, insufficient capability- building tools unclear roles and expectations No management involvement
Organizational Support to KM Boundary barriers Boundary barriers - Intra-organizational—different unit subcultures and goals - Status—employee timidity and manager’s unwillingness to listen - Professional—different professional backgrounds = different goals, language, methods
Organizational Support to KM Cross-category barriers Cross-category barriers - lack of resources, - absence of rewards - culture does not encourage sharing
Organizational Support to KM Technology barriers Technology barriers - use of inappropriate technology - lack of integration of systems - lack of technical support
Organizational Support to KM Human barriers Human barriers - lack of trust - fear of exploitation, contamination, of being redundant, etc. - fear of exploitation, contamination, of being redundant, etc. - skepticism toward technology - skepticism toward technology
Organizational Support to KM KM enablers Organizational culture — Organizational culture — the unwritten rules or expectations of behavior
Does your current culture support sharing? Yes, if: No, if: People learn by sharing knowledge with each other and through teaching Incentive system does not encourage sharing or creates barrier to sharing Past lessons and story telling are used by everyone to facilitate community understanding No time is provided or no mechanism is in place to capture lessons learned Ideas are constantly shared as new experiences create new knowledge “Assumptions about projects or activities are not challenged.” The firm has groups of people with common interest who collaborate with each other Promotions and hiring of new employees is “based on technical expertise.” The firm is willing to share issues and problems to learn as a group from them Past failures are buried because no one wants to talk about them Relationships exist between and across section boundaries Each department has their own vision and culture that creates a barrier to sharing with other sections.
Vision and trust Vision and trust - a clear vision - awareness of KM and organizational alignment of its goals - identification of critical knowledge - willingness to share and reuse knowledge - trustworthiness of those at the top - people get credit for knowledge sharing - people get credit for knowledge sharing - effort to build an atmosphere of trust where sharing is valued - collaboration is the norm Organizational Support to KM
Organizational infrastructure Organizational infrastructure - Leadership - Training - Rewards and incentives - Knowledge networks
Organizational Support to KM Technology Technology - knowledge-oriented technologies - people capable of using the technologies - technologies are standardized to facilitate document exchange and available to all
Organizational Support to KM Measurement of results Measurement of results - assessing generation, sharing, transfer or use of valuable knowledge - analyzing the KM strategies employed