Leadership Customer Training Webinar
Imagine getting paid on telecom, utility, banking, and other essential services in 24 countries?
Short-Term Goal: 30 days 15+ Services (20 Points) Acquire 3 Preferred Services (5 pts) - Become a QTT (Qualified Team Trainer) Acquire 7 Services (15 pts) - Become an ETL (Executive Team Leader) Long-Term Goal: days 30+ Services (60 Points) Allows you to maximize Compensation Plan Customer Acquisition
1.Yourself 2.People who do not become IBOs 3.Referrals & those who have not seen the business Customer Sources
1.Creates knowledge & belief for you in the services 2.Teaches you the customer sign-up process 3.Provides you all the necessary tools 4.You set a good example 5.Helps promote the Strive for 5 for both you and your customer We recommend you become your own customer first! Customer Source 1: Yourself
1.Yourself 2.People who do not become IBOs 3.Referrals & those who have not seen the business *Initially new IBOs should focus on Customer Sources 1 and 2 Customer Source 2: People who see the Business
Start acquiring customers by inviting your contacts to view the ACN overview and learn about your business. Let them decide how they want to participate. If after viewing the ACN overview one of your contacts chooses not to become an IBO, ask them to support you by trying all of the services that you offer…or at least one of the services Your goal should be to earn ETT, with personal 15 services, in under 30 days Prospects who do not become ACN Independent Business Owners Customer Source 2 – People that see the Overview
Keys to Success Enthusiasm – Know your WHY Urgency - Set a goal date for accomplishing your goals. Rely on your relationship - People will help you because they trust you, more than the savings. Use the FAVOR approach – People do not like to be sold, but they do like to help with a Cause. Prospects who do not become ACN Independent Business Owners Customer Source 2
Customer Approach – Using your WHY & Cause FAVOR - “Can you do me a HUGE personal favor?” HELP - “Can you help me with my WHY / my CAUSE.” TRY - “Can you try one of my services?” (Urgency & Enthusiasm = SUCCESS) People will become your customer quicker to support you than if you try selling them on the services. This approach provides for both a short term result and for long term client retention!
Acquiring Customers using the Power of a Cause Based Approach of Americans said if given the opportunity they would buy a service with a social benefit attached to it of Americans would tell friends & family about a company with a social benefit 88% 84%
Customer Acquisition Script – Lead with Your WHY! Hey, _____, do you have a minute? (Share your WHY) I’ve partnered with a company that helps people with services that they pay for every day, like Home Phone, Mobile Phone, Gas and Electricity. And we’re on a mission to help leverage those bills to eliminate child hunger here in America. So, I’m calling to please ask you for a HUGE Favor. - PAUSE How our program works is if you can help me out and try one of my services, each and every month, for as long as you pay your bill, you and I can make sure that a hungry child gets fed. And, if you can help me to acquire _____ services this month, we can provide _____ meals to hungry children and I’m only a few services away from my goal. If I can offer you a service that you are already using with the same or better quality and value that you’re used to...and if I can show you how to get that service for free…can you do me a huge personal favor, help support me and my charity and try one of my services? (wait for response) – FILL OUT CUSTOMER SURVEY
Customer Acquisition Script – Answer a question with a Survey
I’d like to text or you a video to watch for a moment, while I look over the survey, to see if there is some way you can help me out and try a few services to help. It would be a HUGE favor to have you help me feed a few children and see how I can help you get a free service? Customer Acquisition Script – Let the WPFF Video create your WHY Some WillSome Wait So What, NEXT!!! Red & Green Responses – Ask the Favor & Focus on Strive for 5
How to Handle Questions If they need more info: 1. Common Answer: If you can help me with a service, I can show you how to get your service for free and together we can help feed children. 2. Let me call the #’s, my mentor, or the back office 3. We can get most of the answers as we go through the process, if you can just do me this huge favor and help me out.
How to Handle Objections Think like Big Business & Don’t Get Emotional Not everyone is going to say YES Don’t get upset Understand we SORT - NOT SELL SW / SW / SW NEXT “NO” only means “Not Now” Work on the Surveys, not the prospects Have Fun
ACN Strive For 5 for Customers Digital Phone Local & LD Flash Wireless Refer 5 ACN Digital Phone Service Customers, 5 ACN Digital Phone Service Bundled with High Speed Internet Customers or a combination of both and your Digital Phone service can be FREE! Refer 5 ACN Local and Long Distance Customers and your Local and Long Distance service can be FREE! Refer 5 of each or a combination of Flash and Flash (s) Customers and your Flash Service can be FREE! U.S.
Your Residential Gas or Residential Electric Service Can Be FREE IBOs Only
Teaching your TEAM to focus on Acquiring Customers will help: 1. You Will Earn a Higher Residual Income 2. Your Team Will Earn a Higher Residual Income 3. You’ll Attract Better Recruiters Because of Belief 4. Better Trainers 5. Ultimately More Successful
When customers sign up for service through your ACN Direct Online Store, your Business ID Number will automatically carry through How to Order Products: ACN Direct Online Store* * Unless additional order method specified
© ACN Opportunity, LLC 2014_CP_PPT_Weekly_CustAqu_ Get Qualified Today 2. Set a Goal to Hit ETT this week! 3. Schedule 3 Private Business Receptions (in-house or online) 4. REGISTER for an International Training 5. Attend or create a local training event in your city, state QUICK START TIPS