Choosing Friends
Different Types of Friends Acquaintances (common group) Lk. 7:34; Matt. 9:10-13 Jesus had acquaintances
Different Types of Friends Acquaintances (common group) Friendly people (not hostile) Matt. 5:9 peace makers Matt. 5:25 not hostile Rom. 12:17-18 peace with all men Christians Strive To Be Friends (not hostile) With Everyone!
Different Types of Friends Acquaintances (common group) Friendly people (not hostile) Companions (keep company with) Mk. 2:25 lived and worked together Acts 4:23 encouraged, influenced Acts 19:29 loved, worked, worshiped Companions help you spiritually or tear you down!
Different Types of Friends Acquaintances (common group) Friendly people (not hostile) Companions (keep company with) Mk. 2:25 lived and worked together Acts 4:23 encouraged, influenced Acts 19:29 loved, worked, worshiped Companions help you spiritually or tear you down! 1 Cor. 15:33 Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals."
Different Types of Friends Acquaintances (common group) Friendly people (not hostile) Companions (keep company with) Close / Best Friends Pr. 16:28 intimate friends Pr. 17:17 loves Jesus: Lazarus, Mary, Martha Apostles: Peter, James, John
Categorizing Friends Acquaintances (common group) Friendly people (not hostile) Companions (keep company with) Close / Best Friends everyone we know everyone who is friendly everyone who is a positive influence everyone we love (affection)
Categorizing Friends Acquaintances (common group) Friendly people (not hostile) Companions (keep company with) Close / Best Friends everyone we know some are friendly some of the friendly ones are a positive influence some of the ones who are a positive influences, we love (affection)
God Factors Into Categorizing Friends God is our best friend Ja. 2:23; Ja. 4:4; Jn. 15:14 obey Categorize, relationship with God 2 Cor. 6:14-16 best friends, Christians 2 Tim. 2:22 flee, pursue, Christians 1 Cor. 15:33 evil people, can’t.... Lk. 21:16-17 sinful people don’t....
Categorizing Friends Acquaintances (common group) Friendly people (not hostile) Companions (keep company with) Close / Best Friends some not Christians some not Christians, but all friendly positive moral people, may not be Christian God, Jesus, Christian friends for whom have a special love
Choosing Friends