13 giugno 2006Master in economia e politica sanitaria - Simulazione per la sanità 1 _Strumenti, seguito _______________________________________ Un modello.


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Presentation transcript:

13 giugno 2006Master in economia e politica sanitaria - Simulazione per la sanità 1 _Strumenti, seguito _______________________________________ Un modello di riferimento: cocktail party (model library, prove pt/party_pt) party_pt.nlogo, in linea a web.econ.unito.it/terna/materiale/master_ec_pol_san/ _______________________________________

13 giugno 2006Master in economia e politica sanitaria - Simulazione per la sanità 2 ;The 'turtles-own' keyword, like the globals, breed, -own, and patches-own keywords, ;can only be used at the beginning of a program, before any function definitions. ;It defines the variables belonging to each turtle turtles-own [man? woman? happy?] patches-own [men women people] globals [boring-groups moves number-happy group-sites] to setup ca ; 'with' takes two inputs: on the left, an agentset (usually "turtles" or "patches"). ; On the right, a boolean reporter. set group-sites patches with [group-site?] set-default-shape turtles "person" ; 'cct' create-custom-turtles cct number [ ;;blue represents male, pink represents female. No stereotypes are meant ;;to be promoted. Simply change the colors right here if you'd like.

13 giugno 2006Master in economia e politica sanitaria - Simulazione per la sanità 3 ;ifelse reporter [ commands1 ] [ commands2 ] ifelse (random 2 = 0) [set man? true set woman? false set color blue] [set man? false set woman? true set color pink] ifelse (random 2 = 0) [set heading 90] [set heading 270] ;; randomly face right or left set ycor 0 set xcor random world-width ] ; These reporters give the total width and height of the NetLogo world. ; Screen-size is the same as ((2 * screen-edge) + 1) ask turtles [move-into-groups] setup-patches setup-plots set moves 0 update-labels spread-people update-plots end

4 to setup-patches ask patches [ set men 0 set women 0 set people 0] ask turtles [ if man? [set men (men + 1)] if woman? [set women (women + 1)]] ask patches [ set people (men + women)] update-happiness update-boring-groups end to go if (number-happy = number) [ stop ;; stop the simulation if everyone is happy ] group-people ;; put all people on the x-axis update-happiness move-if-unhappy update-boring-groups update-labels spread-people ;; move the people into vertical columns set moves (moves + 1) update-plots if limit-speed? [ wait 0.75 ] ;; keep the spread groups on the screen for a bit end

13 giugno 2006Master in economia e politica sanitaria - Simulazione per la sanità 5 to update-labels ask group-sites [ set plabel count turtles-here ] ; plabel is a pattch label ; turtles-here reports an agentset containing all ; the turtles on the caller's patch (including the caller ; itself if it's a turtle). ; count agentset reports the number of agents in the given agentset end to update-happiness ask patches [ set people (men + women)] ask turtles [ ;;; you are happy if the proportion of people of the opposite sex does not exceed your tolerance if man? [ifelse (women / people) > (tolerance / 100) [set happy? false] [set happy? true]] if woman? [ifelse (men / people) > (tolerance / 100) [set happy? false] [set happy? true]] ;; if (happy? = true) [set num-happy (num-happy + 1)] ] set number-happy count turtles with [happy?] ;; update number-happy variable end

13 giugno 2006Master in economia e politica sanitaria - Simulazione per la sanità 6 to move-if-unhappy ask turtles [ if (not happy?) [ifelse man? [set men men - 1] ;;decrease the count in your old group [set women women - 1] ifelse (random 2 = 0) [set heading 90] [set heading 270] ;; randomly face right or left fd 1 ;; move out of your group move-into-groups ifelse man? [set men men + 1] [set women women + 1]]] ;;increase the count in your new in group end to move-into-groups ;;turtle procedure ; move forward until you hit the closest group if not group-site? [ fd 1 if limit-speed? [ wait 0.1 ] ;; slow it down so user can see it happening move-into-groups] end

13 giugno 2006Master in economia e politica sanitaria - Simulazione per la sanità 7 to-report group-site? ;; turtle or patch procedure ;; if your pycor is 0 and your pxcor is where a group should be located, ;; then you're a group site (patch) or on a group site (turtle) locals [group-interval] ;; first figure out how many patches apart the groups will be set group-interval floor (world-width / num-groups) report ;; first check pycor (pycor = 0) and ;; then check if the distance between groups divides evenly into ;; our distance from the right hand edge of the screen (((max-pxcor - pxcor) mod group-interval) = 0) and ;; finally, make sure we don't wind up with more groups than ;; the user asked for (floor ((max-pxcor - pxcor) / group-interval) < num-groups) end to update-boring-groups ask group-sites [ set plabel-color white if people > 0 [if ((men = 0) or (women = 0)) [set plabel-color gray]]] set boring-groups (count group-sites with [plabel-color = gray]) end

13 giugno 2006Master in economia e politica sanitaria - Simulazione per la sanità 8 to setup-plots set-current-plot "Happy Partygoers" set-plot-y-range 0 number end to update-plots set-current-plot "Happy Partygoers" set-current-plot-pen "Happy" plot (count turtles with [happy?]) set-current-plot "Single Sex Groups" plot boring-groups end ;; spread people out vertically to spread-people ask turtles [ifelse man? [set heading 0 fd 2] [set heading 180 fd 2] jump count other-turtles-here] ;; this trick works because of the serial ordering of turtle execution ; 'jump': turtles move forward by number units all at once, without the ; amount of time passing depending on the distance. end ;; pile people up on the x-axis to group-people ask turtles [set ycor 0] end