A L G T DD S H L B P C D F G C M V C O H C S L C Click hexagons once to change to blue Twice to change to white Click a third time to restore to yellow End Show Click in the red number-square to select question
Question 1. What L is a word used to describe a woman who is attracted to other women? Lesbian, according to some surveys approximately 7% of the UK population identifies as lesbian, that’s about 70 girls in a secondary school of 1000 Answer 1. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 2. Answer 2. In what decade were women first allowed to vote in general elections? 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 Women over the age of 30 that were householders or wives of householders were allowed to vote from 1918 (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 3. Answer 3. The Stonewall riots took place in the USA on 28 th June What were the rioters campaigning for? On 28 th June 1969 the Stonewall riots in New York took place. The riots marked the start of campaigns for equality for people that are LGBT throughout western countries (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 4. Answer 4. In what year were same sex couples able to enter into civil partnerships? 1998, 2005, 2008 or 2013 The first civil partnerships took place on 5 th December Civil partnerships give same sex couples the same rights as a heterosexual married couple. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 5. Answer 5. What T describes a person who is born with a sex that doesn’t match their gender? Transgender. This word describes a person who is born with a body (their sex) that doesn’t match how they feel on the inside (their gender). We think that this is something that happens to people before they are born, so it’s not really a choice… it’s just how they are. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 6. Answer 6. What B describes a person who is attracted to men and women? Bisexual, Some studies estimate that up to 12% of the population are attracted to men and women. It is really common and lots of people have relationships with men and women throughout their lives. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 7. Answer 7. The first black Metropolitan police officer in the UK was called? Melvin Roberts, Norwell Roberts, Martin Roberts, Nigel Roberts Norwell Roberts was employed by the Metropolitan Police in 1967 aged 21. He was the first black officer to join the metropolitan police and became a detective sergeant in It took 2 years for the Met to recruit a second black officer. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 8. Answer 8. True or false: Men and women have always had equal pay if they were employed at the same place doing the same job. True or False? False. The Equal Pay Act 1970 went a long way to giving women equal rights to men to be paid the same for a job of equal value. There is still a way to go, and the Equality Act 2010 means that a person cannot be discriminated against because of their gender. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 9. Answer 9. At what age is it legal for 2 people of the same sex to consent to sex? The age of consent in the UK is sixteen for everyone regardless of gender and sexuality. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 10. Answer 10. At which award ceremony in January 2014 did 34 straight and gay couples get married? At The Grammys in January 2014 during Macklemore and Ryan Lewis 34 gay and straight people got married. This was to highlight new laws that have been passed allowing equal marriage. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 11. Answer 11. What position did Great Britain come in the 2012 Paralympics? Great Britain came third behind China (1 st ) and Russia (2 nd ) (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 12. Answer 12. What number of British adults thought the Paralympics had a positive impact on the way people with a disability are viewed? 2 out of 10, 5 out of 10, 8 out of 10 8 out of 10. The Paralympics 2012 did an enormous amount to show that people with disabilities are not less able and are just as able to take part in sports, and other everyday activities as those without disabilities. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 13. Answer 13. What is the term used to describe an irrational fear of people that are gay? Homophobia (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 14. Answer 14. Which police force has begun recording crime against Alternative Subculture as Hate Crime? Greater Manchester Police (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 15. Answer 15. What is the name of a crime that is motivated by prejudice, discrimination or hatred towards members of the protected groups from the Equality Act 2010? Hate Crime. A crime that is motivated by hate will often carry a lengthier sentence than the same crime committed without the hate element to it. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 16. Answer 16. What is the name of the activists that fought for the right for women to vote in the late 19 th and early 20 th century? Suffragettes (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 17. Answer 17. In what year did companies legally have to make adjustments to enable disabled people to access their services? 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 In 1995 following protests by disabled people the Disability Discrimination Act made it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in connection with employment, the provision of goods, facilities and services. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 18. Answer 18. What is the term to describe an irrational fear of Islam or people that are Muslim? Islamophobia is an irrational fear of Islam and Muslims which has increased since September (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 19. Answer 19. What is the name of the recent film based on the autobiography of the same name written by Solomon Northup? 12 Years A Slave is about Solomon Northup who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in 1841 in Washington, DC. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 20. Answer 20. What is the song by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis about gay and lesbian rights? Same Love (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 21. Answer 21. What D is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of a person or group of people? Discrimination (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 22. Answer 22. Name 3 of the protected characteristics of people named in the Equality Act 2010 Age, race, disability, religion and belief, gender reassignment, sex, marriage, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 23. Answer 23. What is the name of the Irish playwright, poet and novelist imprisoned in 1895 for his relationship with another man? Oscar Wilde was imprisoned for 2 years hard labour following his conviction. His health declined sharply, and he died in November 1900 aged 46. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board
Question 24. Answer 24. Fill in the blank. Each year in February it is ……….. History Month? LGBT History Month first began in February 2005 and is celebrated in cities and school across the country each February. (click to reveal answer) Click to return to game board