Community Detoxification Initiative Ballymun March 2014 (Presented by Brian Foley)
Community Detox Ballymun 31st December people engaged, 5 males, 1 females. First Community Detox began in July 2012, 5 Benzo detox’s, 1 Methadone detox, 3 People currently in the detox stage. 2 People in Preparation stage. 1 Person disengaged from key worker. 3 Agencies providing key working 5 Doctors involved
Community Detox Ballymun 30th June people engaged, 16 males, 4 females. 11 Benzo, 4 Meth, 3 Zimo, 1 Subox, 1 Codeine. 5 People in Preparation stage. 12 People in the detox stage. 1 Person involved in Aftercare 2 People had disengaged from the key worker 7 Agencies, 11 keyworkers involved 9 Doctors involved
Community Detox Ballymun 12th March people engaged, 26 males, 7 females 14 Benzo, 7 Meth, 10 Zimo, 1 Subox, 1Codeine. 1 Person in the Preparation stage 15 Currently in the Detox stage 9 Involved in Aftercare 8 People disengaged during protocols 7 Agencies, 12 keyworkers involved 12 Doctors involved
Community Detox Ballymun Developmental Changes
Community Detox - Ballymun
Age Starting Detox Age Ranges
Community Detox - Ballymun 1
Aftercare Phase 4
Community Detox
Ballymun TOPS Data Treatment Outcome Profile Simple but effective, validated tool Can be incorporated into regular care plan reviews Measures change and progress in key areas Initial TOP when clients enter the C.D. Initiative – (T1) Health & Social Functioning Clients rating of physical, psychological health and quality of life 16 TOPS, T1at start, T2 on average 7.5 months later 7 Zimo, 4 Benzo, 3 Meth, 1 Suboxone, 1 Codeine 12 males, 4 females
Self Reported Data 16 forms Mean Change by Question
Total Mean Change
Self Reported Change on Health & Social Functioning by Drug (3 Qs)
Sincere thanks to all involved in the Ballymun Community Detoxification Initiative.