Estonia-Latvia programme project EU 41697 “Developing of cross border trade network” IDEA ON THE BORDER.


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Presentation transcript:

Estonia-Latvia programme project EU “Developing of cross border trade network” IDEA ON THE BORDER

OVERALL OBJECTIVE The overall objective is to activate and encourage local people through common learning, common work and mutual exchange of experience and knowledge.

SUB - OBJECTIVES 1.Strengthen the importance of lifelong learning in local community as a result promoting and developing creativity, quality and attractiveness in local craftsman and artist works and thoughts; 2.Enable language acquisition; 3.Establish and strengthen cross border tradition – common market on the border – what will unite craftsmen, artists and tradesmen from project partner and other territories; 4.To make joint marketing activities.

PROJECT PARTNERS Lead partner – Ape municipality Liene Ābolkalne – Project coordinator Selga Kauliņa – Project accountant Ilva Sāre – Project asistant Project partner No.2– Mõniste municipality Anneli Mandmaa – Project coordinator Maiu Toom – Project accountant

ACTIVITIES AND TIME PLAN 1 th REPORTING PERIOD WP 1 – Management and coordination 1) 1- 1day Opening meeting in Ape (12 persons (6LV;6EE)): program, minutes of meeting, list of participants, 1 power-point presentation, pictures. 2) 2-1day joint meetings in Mõniste and Ape (10 persons (5LV;5EE): minutes of meetings, lists of participants, pictures. 3) Equipping of working spaces in Ape (LV) and Mõniste (EE) (3 pieces of equipment acquired) 4) 2 articles in press and websites about project (1 in LV, 1 in EE) 5) 1 partner progress report (LV; EE).

ACTIVITIES AND TIME PLAN 1 th REPORTING PERIOD WP 2 – Implementation of joint cross-border activities for local people 1) 2 1-day meetings in Ape (10 persons, (5EE, 5LV)); 2) 1 36-hours (3 months) longstanding handicraft trainings - weaving of rag-blankets, belts, garters -in Ape (10 persons (5 EE, 5LV)); 3) 1 48-hours (4 months) longstanding handicraft trainings - braiding of bulrush and wicker basket, vessels – process from gaining material till finished product - in Ape (10 persons, (5 EE, 5LV)); 4) 1 48-hours (4 months) Latvian language courses in Mõniste (EE) (12-15 persons from EE); 5) 1 48-hours (4 months) Estonian language courses in Ape (LV) (12-15 persons from LV);

ACTIVITIES AND TIME PLAN 1 th REPORTING PERIOD WP 2 – Implementation of joint cross-border activities for local people 6) 1 36-hours (3 months) lifelong learning courses - color and composition - in Ape (LV) (16 persons, (8 EE, 8 LV)); 7) 4 separately and 1 common (in Mõniste EE) Ape blowers (10 participants) and Mõniste chapel (7 participants) rehearsals; 8) 2 joint musical materials; 9) Purchased necessary equipment - music instruments for Ape blowers (LV); 10) Purchased necessary equipment - music instruments for Mõniste chapel (EE).

ACTIVITIES AND TIME PLAN 2 nd REPORTING PERIOD WP 1 – Management and coordination  2-1day joint meetings in Moniste (10 persons, (5LV;5EE)): minutes of meetings, lists of participants, pictures;  1-1 day joint meeting in Ape (10 persons, (5LV;5EE)): minutes of meetings, lists of participants, pictures;  2 articles in press and websites about project (1 in LV, 1 in EE);  1 partner progress report (LV,EE)  1 joint project progress report.

ACTIVITIES AND TIME PLAN 2 nd REPORTING PERIOD WP 2 – Implementation of joint cross-border activities for local people 1) 2 1-day meetings in Mõniste (10 person (5EE, 5LV)); 2) 1 48-hours (4 months) longstanding handicraft trainings - braiding of bulrush and wicker basket, vessels – process from gaining material till finished product - in Ape (10 persons, (5 EE, 5LV)); 3) 1 36-hours (3 months) lifelong learning courses - drawing and painting - in Ape (LV) (16 persons, (8 EE, 8 LV)); 4) 1 36-hours (3 months) lifelong learning courses - artistic expression feature - in Mõniste (EE) (16 persons, (8 EE, 8 LV)); 6) 6 separately and 2 common (in Mõniste EE) Ape blowers (10 participants) and Mõniste chapel (7 participants) rehearsals;

ACTIVITIES AND TIME PLAN 2 nd REPORTING PERIOD WP 2 – Implementation of joint cross-border activities for local people 7) 1 1 day joint autumn market with culture programme (ca 300 people (150 EE, 150 LV)); 8) 50 copies of posters of autumn market (25 EE language, 25 LV language); 9) Purchased necessary equipment for market organization in Ape (LV); 10)Purchased necessary equipment for market organization in Mõniste, (EE); 11) Translated actual information for information stands in both languages; 12) Elaboration and installation of 3 information stands (2 in Mõniste region (EE), 1 in Ape regions (LV)).

ACTIVITIES AND TIME PLAN 3 rd REPORTING PERIOD WP 1 – Management and coordination  1-1day joint meeting in Moniste (10 persons, (5LV;5EE)): minutes of meetings, lists of participants, pictures;  2-1 day joint meeting in Ape (10 persons, (5LV;5EE)): minutes of meetings, lists of participants, pictures;  1-1day Closing meeting in Moniste (30 persons, (15LV;15EE)): program, minutes of meeting, list of participants, 1 power-point presentation, pictures;  2 articles in press and websites about project (1 in LV, 1 in EE)  1 partner progress report (LV,EE)  1 joint project progress report.

ACTIVITIES AND TIME PLAN 3 rd REPORTING PERIOD WP 2 – Implementation of joint cross-border activities for local people 1) 2 1 day meetings in Mõniste (10 persons, (5 EE, 5 LV)); 2) 2 1 day meetings in Ape (10 persons, (5 EE, 5 LV)); 3) 1 36 hours (2 months) joint training course of Estonian – Latvian language in Ape (LV) (12-15 EE, LV); 4) 1 48-hours (4 months) longstanding handicraft trainings - preparing of milk products -in Mõniste (10 persons, (5 EE, 5LV); 5) 1 36-hours (3 months) lifelong learning courses - style and modeling - in Ape (EE) (16 persons, (8 EE, 8 LV));

ACTIVITIES AND TIME PLAN 3 rd REPORTING PERIOD WP 2 – Implementation of joint cross-border activities for local people 6) 6 separately and 3 common (in Ape LV) Ape blowers (10 participants) and Mõniste chapel (7 participants) rehearsals; 7) Organized 1 1 day joint spring market with culture programme (ca 300 people (150 EE, 150 LV); 8) 50 copies of spring market posters (25 EE language, 25 LV language); 9) Organised 1 1 day closing event- meeting in Moniste vald (Vastse-Roosa) ca 50 person (ca 50 persons, (25 EE, 25 LV)).

PROJECT BUDGET Total project budget: EUR ,00 ERDF funding: EUR ,35 National public co- financing: EUR ,65 Division between partners: Ape municipality : EUR ,00 Mõniste municipality : EUR ,00

Thank you for attention!