Building the Skills Employers Need Funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion - VP2013/010 ICT Skills for Growth &


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Presentation transcript:

Building the Skills Employers Need Funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion - VP2013/010 ICT Skills for Growth & Jobs EC funded Project FIT Local Coalitions for Europe Deliver Skills for Growth & Jobs (fit4jobs)

A new approach to training & education…. Everyone needs and wants to work…. It gives people a purpose & interest in life… It creates prosperity for society, employer & employee… We need employers participation in the training process… To guarantee better outcomes for all. Building the Skills employers need fit4jobs

What is the problem? Background Employers need trained ICT staff – can’t find them Employer participation in the training process is the most effective approach. Young people are untapped source of resources 24.5m people unemployed in Europe (11.5%) Training is answer to skills gap, long term and short term 4.9m young people unemployed in Europe (21.6%) Major ICT skills gap in Europe, estimated to be ~1m by 2020

fit4jobs is a pan-European project to demonstrate the value of employer participation in vocational training Benefits for employer: Help demonstrate a better form of vocational training, help specific skills needed (technical and soft skills), access to good candidates for job, change education policy Success of this training model is due to: Provision of important soft skills and support to students throughout the training and work processProvision of It is based on a model developed by FIT (Fast Track to IT) Ireland. The model has been highly successful in Ireland over 13 years. 16,500 people trained, 12,000 in jobs Participation of employers in setting curricula requirements and providing support through mock interviews, site visits, work experience and job placement. We plan to select and train over 200 people over six countries and place them in jobs. We need your help Employer led ICT training for jobs

t ACM IP - PORTUGAL t.t. HEPIS - GREECE t..t.. ACRT - SPAINTE - EUROPE t.t. FIT - IRELAND t.t. LIA - LITHUNIA t LIKTA - LATVIA THE fit4jobs TEAM Association “Langas į ateitį” (Window to the Future) Lithuanian non profit initiative launched in 2002 by private companies that provides computer literacy and Internet training to adults stimulating the growth of e-services countrywide Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association (LIKTA), the leading ICT professional non- governmental association promoting the development of Information Society and e-skills in Latvia. The Spanish Association of Telecentre Networks" (ACRT) brings together a number of entities to impulse, activate and maintain public spaces (telecentres) in order promote the Information Society and provide access to ICT to citizens Programa Escolhas, a nationwide program, created in 2001 and operating under the High Commission for Migration, aiming to promote social inclusion of children and young people from vulnerable socio-economic backgrounds. The Hellenic Professionals Informatics Society (HePIS) is a network of all ICT Professionals in Greece advocating their interests at both national and European level. FIT Ltd (Fast Track to IT) is an industry-led initiative which works in close collaboration with the (Irish) government departments and national education and training agencies, local development organisations and a host of community based organisations. Telecentre Europe is a member-based association representing networks and NGO’s in the field of digital skills, social inclusion and adult ICT education providers

Brand support and association Curricula definition/required skills Technical and soft skills Candidate assessment & selection On site visits, work experience Survey data Job Placements Be an integral part of the process What we need from employers

Benefits to employer Participate in Pan European pilot to promote improved vocational training model Demonstrate employer participation is essential Access to graduates who meet your needs Help inform policy makers re: vocational training

Employer/Student Engagement The essential ingredient for effective ICT training. Employer know best what skills are needed. Employer knows best what soft skills are essential Matching skills to jobs becomes easier. Successful outcomes for all Student, employer, educators, governments, economy

A simple but effective training model Employers Specify required skills Graduates with right skills Jobs

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