Deb Andrews CEO | IPATED
#1 Settings Go into settings and change the following: ˃Activity broadcast – uncheck box ˃Activity feed – set to everyone ˃Public Profile – set to everyone & check all boxes ˃What Others See When You’ve Viewed their Profile – set to Recommended ˃Partner InMails – uncheck boxes
#2 Keywords ˃Brainstorm with employees/colleagues what you do for customers and list your responses ˃Ask your clients what they think you do, and list these as well ˃Ask yourself, how would a customer find you? ˃Add what skills you wish you had into interests and what you know you have into skills and expertise
#3 Set Up Profile ˃From the list you compiled in #2 work out your 4 most important keywords (long-tail phrase) ˃Set up your headline with your name, what you do, address and these 4 key words (under 140 characters) ˃In the heading of Current & Past Job Titles use your long-tail phrase
#4 Tools & APPs ˃Download and install either Blog Link or WordPress and upload it to LinkedIn ˃Install SlideShare into your profile (this may not be available to every LinkedIn user yet) ˃Investigate SIGNAL, this is your ‘mother of all bombs’ in the war against being found online
#5 Invitations ˃LinkedIn is all about connections, the more the better ˃Identify your target market and start inviting people to connect with you or ask them to send you an invite ˃Search for LIONs to connect with
#6 Recommendations ˃To reach the superior level on LinkedIn you must be well connected and have great credibility, recommendations help you achieve this, remember, the more the better ˃Ask for recommendations from people ˃Give recommendations to people
#7 Groups ˃This is where you really start to make money and build loyalty ˃Join groups with your target market ˃Create groups for your target market and start inviting people to them
BEFORE & AFTER optimization 371 You have shown up in search results 371 times in the past 90 days
This is only the beginning! To learn more about any of these processes, especially your keyword & groups strategy, SEO & the power of Advanced Search Contact Deb Andrews at Type in the subject heading ‘more please’more please Deb Andrews CEO | IPATED