Xiaolan Fu and Abdul Raufu Mustapha Department of International Development Oxford University
Source: Goldman Sachs (2006) The Changing Landscape of the World Economy
IMF Estimates & Projections of US & China GDP, PPP $ trillions
China’s engagement with Africa
China’s Share in World Trade Source: WDI (2013)
Sino-Africa Economic Interactions
Outward Direct Investment from China Remained strong even after the crisis
Geographical distribution of OFDI from China, stock, million USD
Source: State Council of China, 2013
Chinese Aid in Africa Source: AidData (
China and the World Bank’s Financing for Africa’s Infrastructure Source: Freemantle/ Stevens, Standard Bank, 2010 based on World Bank sources OECD, 2012 USD (Billion)
China’s impact on African economies
China’s impact on governance in African countries
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