EcoWorld The new vision of life… Software for economy
Team: Nicoara Samuel, Izabela Pandi, Bura Izolda We address both start-ups and those already established in an attempt to provide necessary assistance to firms. Because of this we have B2B marketing strategy (sell only legal persons) Our competition consists of companies that provide software in the economy, or companies that wind software for management and accountants.
Market Our product will be sold through our corporate headquarters within or in electronic form through the ordered online with the transportation companies. Product Products offered by our company are quality products within which introduce a lot of time, money and knowledge. We want our company to be known by products not necessarily that wind as product quality and reliability of our angazati giving evidence. Nr crtfeaturesPamePice 1Program de gestiuneMycgestiune500 2Program de contabilitateMyccontabilitate500 3Program de contabilitate + GestiuneMyccomplex800 4Program de Gestiune, contabilitate arhivaMycPRO1000 Price The promotion Our company foloeste to promote the website, the exhibitor hereby but by simply presenting our programs. So we rented a location in which our customers can test and buy our products
Sell Produs/Serviciu oferit spre vânzare Preţ unitar (Lei) Număr bucăi vândute i valoarea lor: Total year1 Money totală (Ron) months1months2months3months4months5months6months7months8months9months10months11months12 Program de gestiune Program de contabilitate Program de contabilitate + Gestiune Program de Gestiune, contabilitate arhiva editie Pro Total (Ron) TimeFirst month 3 month (luna 1+2+3) 6 month 9 month 1 Year Sell Buy Profit brut (P.brut=Venit-Cheltuieli) Profit net ( = P.brut X 16%) Bils Tip cheltuieli months1 (Ron) months2 (Ron) months3 (Ron) months4 (Ron) months5 (Ron) months6 (Ron) months7 (Ron) months8 (Ron) months9 (Ron) months10 (Ron) months11 (Ron) months12 (Ron) Total (Ron) Space rent 150 Euro=675 Lei 150 Euro 1800 E = Laptop-uri Atministrative office+2 chair450 Consumables salaries 3X150E= X150E 5400E = trailer packaging Office stuff Incorporation fees Total (Ron)
Contact Parc Insdustrial Sud Nr 1 Satu Mare Phone: Fax: EcoWorld.SRL