The biggest rocket in the world The country which has the most population in the world China 〈 12 億 6 千 583 萬〉 The fastest plane in the world BlackBird SR-71 〈每小時 3911 公里 〉 Saturn V 〈高達 111 公尺〉
The highest building in the world Toronto CN Tower 〈頂端離地 555 米〉 The biggest transportation in the world Global Hawk The biggest submarine in the world Former Russia “ Typhoon Degree ” submarine
The biggest continent in the world – Asia The biggest country in the world – Russia The highest mountain in the world – Mount Everest The most density of population in the world – Monaco The longest suspension bridge in the world Akashi-Kaikyo bridge 〈全長 3,910 米〉
The biggest island in the world – Green Land The coldest area in the world – The South Pole The biggest lake in the world – Caspian Sea The longest river in the world – The Nile River The biggest drainage area – Amazon River The biggest city in the world – Tokyo