Español 2 – Unidad 1 Lección 1


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Presentation transcript:

Español 2 – Unidad 1 Lección 1 The Personal “a”

Direct Objects You know that the direct object is the person or thing that receives the action of a verb.

Direct Objects For example… I bought the shirt. Which word is the direct object? Right! The shirt.

The Personal “a” Unlike English, whenever a specific person or group of people is the direct object of a verb in Spanish, the personal “a” must be used. It is used before the person that is the direct object. That’s why it’s called the personal “a.“ In other words, if a person is being verbed (invited, looked at, known, etc), you must add an “a” before the person.

The Personal “a” Which one of these sentences needs a personal “a” ? Quiero visitar el aeropuerto. Quiero visitar mis hermanos. Quiero visitar a mis hermanos.

The Personal “a” The “a” doesn’t mean anything and we have nothing similar in English. In Spanish, it is simply correct grammatically to put the personal “a” before a direct object that is a person.

The Personal “a” Sometimes we need to say the word “the” after the personal “a”. Example: I see the woman = Yo veo a la mujer. There are 4 ways to do this - use: a la – if the person is feminine singular. al – if the person is masculine singular (we cannot use a el) a las – if the person is feminine plural. a los – if the person is masculine plural.

The Personal “a” What’s wrong with the following sentence? Quiero visitar a el agente de viajes. Quiero visitar al agente de viajes.

The Personal “a” We can also use the personal a when the direct object is an animal, especially a pet. Busco a mi gato.

The Personal “a” We usually do not use the personal “a” after the verb tener. This is true even if the direct object is a person. Example Tengo muchos tíos.

To Review…Use “a” Before the direct object when the direct object is a person/people When the direct object is an animal Not after the verb tener Good!! 

Práctica - Read the sentence and decide if a “personal a” is necessary Práctica - Read the sentence and decide if a “personal a” is necessary. If it is, please write it in. 1. Veo ____ la televisión. 2. Busco ___ mis hermanos. 3. ¿Tienes ____ muchos primos? 4. Ella invita ____ mí a la fiesta. Veo la televisión. Busco a mis hermanos. ¿Tienes muchos primos? Ella invita a mí a la fiesta.