Español 1 Avancemos Lección 4.1 Stem-changing Verbs Español 1 Avancemos Lección 4.1
Stem-Changing Verbs What is a stem changing verb? Remember that a verb has two parts: 1) the stem 2) the “ar”/”er”/”ir” ending. Example: Escribir – to write (cross out the ending “er” and what is left is the stem. escribir Stem = escrib ir = ending In a stem changing verb, the stem changes though the endings follow the regular “ar”/”er”/or “ir” pattern.
Stem-Changing Verbs There are 4 different types of stem changing verbs: e-ie stem changers e – i stem changers o-ue stem changers u – ue stem changers Let’s take a look at e-ie stem changers and how to conjugate them: Querer = to want. It is an e-ie stem changing verb. It also has the endings for “er” verbs.
Querer (e-ie) – to want How to conjugate: Cross of the “er” ending and you are left with the stem “quer”. Because querer is an e-ie stem changer, we have to change the “e” in the stem to “ie” before we add our endings. IMPORTANT NOTE: Stem changing verbs NEVER EVER change their stem in the NOSOTROS/VOSOTROS forms of the verb. Yo quiero = I want Tú quieres = you want él/ella/usted quiere = he/she/you want nosotros/as QUERemos = we want Ellos/ellas/ustedes quieren= They/you guys want
Let’s Practice conjugating an “e-ie” verb cerrar – to close Yo Tú él/ella/usted Nosotros/as Ellos/ellas/ustedes cierro = I close cierras = you (fr) close cierra = he/she closes/you (fml) close. cerramos = we close cierran = they/you all close
Boot Verbs Stem-changing verbs are often referred to as “boot verbs”. This is because the forms of the verb that change the stem make the shape of a boot
pensar – to think (e – ie stem change) singular plural Yo pienso nosotros/as PENSamos Tú piensas vosotros/as PENsaís él/ella usted piensa ellos/ellas ustedes piensan
Entender – to understand(e-ie stem changing verb) singular plural Yo entiendo nosotros entendemos tú entiendes vosotros entendéis él/ella/usted entiende Ellos/ellas/ustedes entienden
¿Tú quieres mirar la television o leer un libro? IMPORTANT Note: When one verb follows another, the FIRST VERB is conjugated and the second verb is in the INFINITIVE form. EXAMPLES: ¿Tú quieres mirar la television o leer un libro? Do you want to watch TV or to read a book? Paula prefiere llevar el vestido azul. Paula prefers to wear the blue dress. Ella empieza estudiar sus apuntes. She begins to study her notes.
Let’s review - Steps to conjugating a stem-changing verb Cross off AR/ER/ or IR from the infinitive. Write the pronouns (yo, tú, etc…) Change the stem to the changed stem in everything EXCEPT NOSOTROS AND VOSOTROS. 4) Add the AR/ER/ or IR endings (depending on the type of verb. 5) Translate pronouns and all forms of the verb into English. Now you are done!!! If you did it correctly, the stem changed forms of the verb are shaped like a boot.
e ie o ue e i As stated earlier: There are 4 types of stem-changing verbs: e-ie/e-i/o-ue. Here are 3 types of them…. e ie pensar = to think querer = to want cerrar = to close entender = to understand preferir = to prefer empezar = to start o ue almorzar = to eat lunch poder = to be able/can encontrar = to find dormir = to sleep volver = to return e i servir = to serve pedir = to order seguir = to follow competir = to compete
There is only ONE “u-ue” verb. It is the verb jugar – to play. Yo juego nosotros JUGamos Tú juegas él/ella/usted juega ellos/ellas/ustedes juegan
Vamos a practicar: Conjugate the following stem-changing verbs. When done, draw a boot around the ones that changed the stem (everything EXCEPT NOSOTROS/VOSOTROS) Remember – the er/ir/ar endings will remain the same as you have previously learned. E IE EMPEZAR = TO BEGIN E I SERVIR = TO SERVE O UE DORMIR = TO SLEEP