The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO Customers requirements and regulation constraints REGULATION Atmospheric pollution Safety Noise End of life vehicle recycling MARKETING Corrosion warranty 12 years CUSTOMERS REQUIREMENTS Comfort Acoustic Thermic Ergonomic Habitability Quality Longevity Reliability Low cost Purchase Fuel consumption Maintenance Repairs
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO Contribution of road traffic to pollutant emissions in Europe in % CO NOXPARTICLESNMHC Source european agency for environment 51%41% 34%
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO Emission regulations in Europe % HC + NOX CO 70/220/EEC77/102/EEC74/290/EEC85/351/EEC91/441/EEC78/665/EEC 94/12/EEC
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO Future emissions standards for passenger cars Emissions in g/km Gasoline EURO 2 (1996) EURO 3 (2000) EURO 4 (2005) Diesel EURO 2 (1996) EURO 3 (2000) EURO 4 (2005) HC 0,340,20,1 HC + NOX 0,710,560,3 NOX 0,250,150,08 NOX 0,630,50,25 CO 3,22,31 CO 1,060,640,5 PARTICLES 0,080,050,025
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO CO 2 emissions and hence fuel consumption shall be reduced of 25 % by 2008
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO Fuel saving potential of various technologies Source : Renault Improvement of 10 % of : Power train efficiency10 % Vehicle Mass5 % Rolling resistance2-3 % Power consumption of auxiliairies 1-2 % Impact on fuel consumption
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO European noise limits for cars 100 % 63 % 32 % 16 % Noise level (dB) Acoustic Energy (%) dB(A) 80 dB(A) 77 dB(A) 74 dB(A)
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO EU targets for a recovery and recycling content of end of life vehicles Recovery Rate 85 %95 % Recycling Rate 80 %85 %
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO FRONTAL CRASH TESTS EURO R = RigidD = Deformable ECE R33 NORM ADAC TEST AMS TEST NEW NORM (Oct. 98) EURO NCAP Vehicle speed (km/h) Barrier type RDRDD Overlap 100 %50 % 40 % Barrier angle 0°15°0°
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO Corrosion protection is being pulled by VW and Opel’s 12 years perforation guarantee - Marketing Stroke - Cost Reduction - Weight Reduction
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO European average coated steel content in a body in white Hot Dip galvanized 85 % 64 % 83 % 17 % 40 % Electrogalvanized Duplex coating
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO STEEL SOLUTIONS FOR WEIGHT REDUCTION Body-in-white –Conception of leightweighting solutions including new steel qualities, like Ultra high strengh steels, Usilight, Taylored blanks... taking into account results of Ulsab Multi-thicknesses blanks –Spot welded patchworks –Laser welded tailored blanks Structures –Low cost car, through space frame conception. Opportunity to combine very high strengh steels, hydroforming and roll forming
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO Cold-rolled steels for automotive applications Elongation %
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO Dual phase Metallurgical aspects DP C Mn - 350Si - 200Cr - 60Mo Continuous annealing Intercritical annealing 800°C % Martensite overaging
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO Use of Tailored welded blanks in Europe Number in millions
The trend of steel products in the European automotive industy 55 da ABM ° CONGRESSO USILIGHT PRODUCT ADVANTAGES Strong rigidity - Low weight in Kg / m 2 Good behaviour regarding indentation Weight reduction (ex : Hood up to 40 %) DRAWBACKS Material cost APPLICATIONS l Hood l Rear trunk l Fenders l Rear floor l Under hood parts Hood : prototype Steel 0.25 mm Rigid polymer 1 mm Steel 0.25 mm 3 layers sandwich structure :