Get a DNA sequence ncbi: national center for biotechnology informations nlm: national library of medicine nih: national institutes od health gov: US government Learn how tu use PubMd: Question: How did you get a DNA sequence ?
SSU: Small subunit EDISSSURR ( ): E. Dipar SSU rRNA accession number: Z search for: buscar accession: nf adquisición record (nombre): (aquí) documento, archivo
This is a current phylogenetic tree based on small-subunit (SSU) rRNA sequences of the organismsrepresented. The construction of such a tree is conceptually simple. Pairs of rRNA sequences from different organisms are aligned, and the differences are counted and considered to be some measure of"evolutionary distance between the organisms (NormanR. Pace, in Science vol:276, 2 May 1997 p 735)