Title: Motorola Presentation for TMF to be made at TeleManagement World Chicago November 16 th 2000 Source: Motorola Agenda item: 5.3 Liaison rapporteurs.


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Presentation transcript:

Title: Motorola Presentation for TMF to be made at TeleManagement World Chicago November 16 th 2000 Source: Motorola Agenda item: 5.3 Liaison rapporteurs reports (TMF) Document for: Information Category: Presentation Document Summary: This presentation aims to publiscise at TMW Chicago the work of 3GPP SA5 specifically in the IRP area. It is supplied to SA5 for information prior to the Event. Specifications Involved: 3GPP TSG-SA5 (Telecom Management) Meeting #15, Anchorage, Alaska, October 2000 Tdoc S

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Multiple industry standards The 3GPP Approach Track: Managing NGN. Date/Time: Thursday November 16 th, 3:15 - 4:15 pm. Session: Next Generation Element Management and OSS Integration. Contact:Michael Truss,

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Agenda Integration Reference Point (IRP) – Introduction. IRP Components. The Alarm IRP. Current Status. Co-operative Efforts. Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) 3GPP: founded in 1998, by a number of regional standard bodies:  ARIB, TTC (Japan)  ETSI (Europe)  T1 (U.S.A.)  TTA (Korea)  CWTS (China) ARIB - Association of Radio Industries and Businesses. TTC – Telecommunication Technology Committee. ETSI - European Telecommunication Standards Institute. T1 – Standards Committee T1 Telecommunications. TTA – Telecommunication Technology Association. CWTS - China Wireless Telecommunication Standard. Web Page: Goal : globally applicable Technical Specifications for a 3rd Generation Mobile System based on the evolved GSM core networks and the Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA, both FDD and TDD modes).

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November GPP Structure Project Co-ordination Group TSG-CN Core Network TSG-T Terminals SA1 - Services SA2 - Architecture SA3 - Security SA4 - Codec SA5 - Telecom Management TSG-RAN Radio Access Network TSG-SA Service and System Aspects TSG- GERAN GSM-EDGE Radio Access Network Technical Specification Groups (TSG’s)

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 SA5 (Telecom Management Group) Structure SA5 Plenary Group CM Configuration Management AR-PR Architecture & Principles CH Charging & Billing Ad-Hoc Working Groups CM FM Fault Management TSG-T CM PM Performance Management

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Agenda Integration Reference Point (IRP) – Introduction. IRP Components. The Alarm IRP. Current Status. Co-operative Efforts. Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Introduction Summary of IRP (Integration Reference Point) concept Towards the goal of embracing multiple interface technologies (CORBA, CMIP, SNMP, WBEM……) 3GPP SA5 has developed the concept of Integration Reference Points (IRPs) - enablers for application integration. CORBA = Common Object Request Broker Architecture CMIP = Common Management Information Protocol SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol WBEM = Web Based Enterprise Management IRPs define the point of information exchange and the communication protocol(s) used between management systems/applications and external entities using standard technologies.

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 The Cornerstones of the IRP concept Top-down, process-driven modelling approach The purpose of each IRP is automation of one specific task, related to the TMF Telecom Operations MAP (TOM). This allows taking a "one step at a time" approach with a focus on the most important tasks. Protocol-independent modelling Each IRP consists of a protocol-independent model (the IRP information model) and several protocol-dependent models (IRP solution sets). Standard based protocol dependent modelling Models in different IRP solution sets (CORBA, CMIP, SNMP, WBEM etc.) are "hand crafted" to the specifics of the corresponding protocol environment.

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 IRPs for application integration Service Activation Configuration & Inventory Management Fault Management Performance Monitoring/Data Warehousing NE Element Manager PSA PSA = Product Specific Application NE = Network Element Alarm IRP Performance Data IRP Configuration & Service IRP Notification IRP Network Manager

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Agenda Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). Integration Reference Point (IRP) – Introduction. The Alarm IRP. Current status. Co-operative Efforts IRP Components.

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 IRP Components - 1 IRP Information Service: An IRP Information Service describes the information flow and support objects for a certain functional area, e. g. the alarm information service in the fault management area. As an example of support objects, for the Alarm IRP there is the alarm record and alarm list. Resource Model: A protocol independent model describing managed object s representing network resources, e.g. an RNC or Node B. IRP Information Model An IRP Information Model consists of an IRP Information Service and a Resource Model ( see below for definitions of IRP Information Service and Resource Model ). IRP Solution Set: An IRP Solution Set is a mapping of the IRP Information Service to one of several technologies ( CORBA/ IDL, SNMP/ SMI, CMIP/ GDMO, etc.). An IRP Information Service can be mapped to several different IRP Solution Sets. Different technology selections may be done for different IRP’s.

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 SOLUTION SETS SNMP WBEM CMIP CORBA IRP Information Model IRP Components - 2 Network Resource Model IRP Information Service

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Agenda Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). Integration Reference Point (IRP) – Introduction. IRP Components. Current Status. Co-operative Efforts The Alarm IRP.

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Alarm IRP Overview

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Alarm IRP Introduction Alarm notification attributes: –Attributes and values based on M.3100, X.733, X.736, GSM –Mandatory attributes of X.733 alarm notification supported. Supports the Alarm Surveillance service component of Fault Management. Defines four types of alarm notifications: –New alarm. –Changed alarm. –Cleared alarm. –Alarm list rebuilt. –Added to X.733 alarm notification attributes: Alarm ID, System name. Acknowledgement and comments related values added to additional_info attribute

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Alarm IRP Information Service - 1 Operations and Notifications described in Unified Modeling Language ( UML) (Actor) (System)

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Alarm IRP Information Service – 2 Support Objects - Alarm List and Alarm Record Probable Cause [M] Perceived Severity [M] Specific Problems [O] Correlated Notifications [O] Additional Text [O] Additional Info [O] Alarm Id [M] System Name [M] Managed Object Class [M] Managed Object Instance [M] Event Time [M] Event Type [M] Alarm list: A list of alarm objects or alarm records whose alarm information is active (i.e., the severity level is not cleared). Alarm Record: Contains the following attributes:

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November GManagedElement (e) MEContext (d) ManagementNode managedBy 0..M (b) manage s 0..N 0..N (b) 0..N GSubNetwork (a) 0..N (c) OR IRP Resource Model Extract

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Alarm IRP CORBA Solution Set Extract /* This interface specifies all methods supported by System as specified in 3GPP AlarmIRP: CORBA Solution Set version 1:1. */ interface AlarmIRPOperations { CommonIRPConstDefs::Signal acknowledge_alarms ( in AlarmIRPConstDefs::AlarmInformationIdSeq alarm_information_id_list, in string ack_user_id, in string ack_system_id, out AlarmIRPConstDefs::AlarmInformationIdSeq bad_alarm_information_id_list ) raises (AcknowledgeAlarms,ParameterNotSupported,InvalidParameter);

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Alarm IRP CMIP Solution Set Extract 5.3.1acknowledgeAlarms(M) acknowledgeAlarms ACTION BEHAVIOUR acknowledgeAlarmsBehaviour; MODE CONFIRMED; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX TS AlarmAsn1TypeModule.AckOrUnackAlarms; WITH REPLY SYNTAX TS AlarmAsn1TypeModule.AckOrUnackAlarmsReply; REGISTERED AS { ts32-111AlarmAction 1}; acknowledgeAlarmsBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS ”This action is invoked by the Manager to indicate to the Agent that one or several alarms (previously sent by the Agent as alarm notifications) have to be acknowledged. In the action request the NM supplies the parameter ackUserId and ackSystemId. The other acknowledgement history parameters, i.e. alarm acknowledgement state (in this case acknowledged ) and the acknowledgement time are set by the Agent itself………………………”

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Agenda Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). Integration Reference Point (IRP) – Introduction. IRP Components. The Alarm IRP. Co-operative Efforts Current Status.

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November GPP IRP Document List Notification IRP Information Service Part 2 Notification IRP CORBA Solution Set Part 3 Notification IRP CMIP Solution Set Part 4 Name Convention for Managed Objects: Part 8 Alarm IRP Information Service Part 2 Alarm IRP CORBA Solution Set Part 3 Alarm IRP CMIP Solution Set Part 4 = Released Document (R99) = Draft Document (R99) = Planned Document (R00) Basic Configuration Management IRP Information Model (Information Service + Resource Model) Part 5 Basic Configuration Management IRP CORBA Solution Set Part 6 Basic Configuration Management IRP CMIP Solution Set Part 7

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Other possible IRPs and Solution Sets WBEM Solution Sets for Configuration Management. Performance Management IRP. Bulk Configurtion Management IRP. Security Management IRP. SNMP Solution Sets for Notification, Alarm and Configuration Management.

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Agenda Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). Integration Reference Point (IRP) – Introduction. IRP Components. The Alarm IRP. Current Status. Co-operative Efforts

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Co-operative Efforts A Co-operative agreement is in place between the 3GPP Telecom Management group and the 3GPP2 OAM&P group, Under this agreement 3GPP2 will reference the 3GPP IRP specifications. The 3GPP IRP specifications have been used in the development of the Common Configuration Management Catalyst Showcase at TMF, and CCM work is being used to feedback into the IRP specifications.

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November rd Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2) 3GPP2: founded in 1998, by a number of regional standard bodies:  ARIB, TTC (Japan)  TIA (U.S.A.)  TTA (Korea)  CWTS (China) ARIB - Association of Radio Industries and Businesses.ANSI – American National Standards Institute. TTC – Telecommunication Technology Committee.RTTs – Radio Transmission Technologies. TIA – Telecommunication Industry Association.EIA – Electronic Industries Alliance. TTA – Telecommunication Technology Association. CWTS - China Wireless Telecommunication Standard. Web Page: Goal : Global Specifications for ANSI/TIA/EIA-41 network evolution to 3G and global specifications for the RTTs supported by ANSI/TIA/EIA-41.

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November GPP2 Structure 3GPP2 Steering Committee PMT – Program Management Team WG1 – Features & Services Requirements WG2 – Network Reference Model & OAM&P TSG-A A-Interface System Technical Specification Groups (TSG’s) TSG-S Service and System Aspects TSG-C cdma2000 TSG-N ANSI-41 / WIN TSG-P Wireless Packet Data Interworking All-IP AdHoc All-IP NW Requirements & Architecture

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Backup Slides

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Notification IRP

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Basic Configuration Managemnent IRP

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Alarm IRP and TOM

Multiple Industry Standards – The 3GPP Approach TeleManagement World Chicago, November 2000 Configuration Management IRP and TOM