HUNGER IN THE WORLD A world condemned to a life of poverty-famine and suffering. There are 800 mil people, all over the world, suffering severely due to famine. Malnutrition involves even a larger number of people: more than 2 billions.
2 Map of World Hunger
4 Fundamental DEFINITIONS Malnutrition: a consequence of a non balanced diet. It refers both to subnutrition and to hypernutrition Subnutrition: the result of a prolonged, low level of food consumed and / or low absorption of the same food. Usually refers to the lack of energy (or protein and energy) Undernourishment: condition of people to whom the absorption of food provides less than the minimum of their energy needs.
5 To lived a healthy and active life, we must have food in quantity, quality and variety sufficient to meet our energy needs and nutrients… Without an adequate nutrition, children cannot develop their full potential and adults will have difficulty in maintaining or increasing theirs.
6 According to some estimates, malnutrition is a crucial factor for 13 mil children under 5.
7 Most of the people who live in developing countries do not get enough food, i.e. 95% of them (798 millions). 34 millions people in countries in transition and 10 millions in industrialized countries are estimated to be undernourished.
8 Adult women who suffer from retarded growth are likely to increase the malnutrition vicious circle, bearing children with an inadequate weight already at birth.
9 In the last century, there has been remarkable progress in order to increase the quantity and quality of global food production and improve the nutritional status of populations. As the world food production has grown, the number of hungry and malnourished people has declined considerably.
10 Alimentary safety: We can refer to it as the status in which everybody, at any time, is able to enjoy a balanced as well as safe nutrition to meet their own physical needs, enabling them to live an active and healthy life.
Credits Presentation arranged by Luca Paci & Lorenzo Pirrini – Itis “Pascal” – Cesena –Italy ( ) Thanks to the teachers: A.M. Ravazzi (Biology) – A. Tortora (English) and to the Technical Assistant: F. Fiori Links and pictures : di-un-mondo-in.html M Indian_refugee_camp-SPL M Nurse_holding_a_malnourished_baby-SPL M Malnourished_Indian_man_carries_his_emaciated_son-SPL