Ms. Eade’s 3 rd Grade Class 2 nd Quarter Library Research Project COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD
Common CoreLibrary/Media MCC.3.R.I.1-Key Ideas and Details: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. AASL – Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g. textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning. MCC.3.R.I.5 – Craft and Structure: Use text features and search tools (e.g. key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. MCC.3.R.I.7 – Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g. maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g. where, when, why, and how events occur). AASL – Find, evaluate and select appropriate sources to answer questions. MCC.3.W.6 – Production and Distribution of Writing: With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. AASL – Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings effectively –Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways others can view, use and assess. STANDARDS
COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD IntroductionIntroduction Tasks Process Evaluation ConclusionTasksProcess EvaluationConclusion
Introduction Navigation Bar INTRODUCTION Are you eager to influence your classmates, family and friends that your country is the place in the world to visit? Do you believe you can raise the tourism rate for your country? Then become an expert on all the things your country has to offer. Become an ambassador for your group’s country. Speak loud and proudly about your findings. This quarter, you will use a webquest to conduct an internet research/gather information about several different countries around the world. You will create a brochure of your country to inform visitors about the great things your country has to offer. The purpose of this webquest is to help guide you as you gather information for your presentation of your Social Studies Unit “Introduction to World Cultures.” You will orally present your findings during your class’ International Day with your classmates/parents.
Tasks Navigation Bar TASKS As your country’s ambassador, you will need to advertise and explain facts to your guests about your country. You will present the information you gathered as a brochure. Use the “Country Report Form” (questionnaire sheet given in library) to answer questions about your country. You may add additional information that you feel will draw visitors to your country. Use the links provided in this webquest for the internet research. In addition, you may use encyclopedias, books, atlas, etc. Remember, you must have a minimum of 3 sources.
Process Navigation Bar PROCESS Use the links below to gather information for your country (click on the country name or the flag: ChinaHaitiIndiaItalyJapanNigeria
EVALUATION Evaluation Navigation Bar 1- Needs Improvement 2 - Good3 – Very Good4 - Excellent Country Report Form Completion Student has completed less than 60% of the project. Student has completed at least 70% of the project. Student has completed at least 80% of the project. Student has completed at least 90% of the project. Travel BrochureStudent has little or no information about the country. Images are missing. Major grammar and spelling errors. Student has at least 2 facts about the country. Has some images of the country. Writing has few grammar and spelling errors. Students has 3 to 5 facts about the country. Has images of the country. Writing has few grammar and spelling errors. Student has 5 or more facts about the country. Layout of images is easy to follow and has captions/descriptions. Writing is free of grammar and spelling errors. Oral PresentationStudent does not give any facts, cannot identify the capital or identify the continent their county is located on using a globe/map. Difficult to hear/understand. Student gives at least 2 facts, can identify the capital of their country, can identify the continent their country is located on using a globe/map. Speaks clearly. Student gives a sufficient amount of facts, able to identify the capital of their country, can identify the continent their country is located on using a globe/map. Speaks clearly with some enthusiasm. Students gives a sufficient amount of facts and elaborates on details about their country. Student is able to identify the continent their country is located on using a globe/map. As well as other countries nearby. Speaks clearly and is very enthusiastic.
Conclusion Navigation Bar CONCLUSION Great job!!!! You have completed your Countries Around the World Research project. Thank you for becoming experts of your country. You have gathered information and now you are ready to present the information to your classmates, families and friends. You have gathered information about some of the world’s greatest countries and now you are prepared to become an ambassador for your country and your class’ International Day.