Lista Verde CancunSan Miguel CozumelYucatan Chichen Itza
You should 100
You should= Debes
S/he is right 200
S/he is right =Tiene razón
300 S/he was in a bad mood
S/he was in a bad mood = Estaba de mal humor
To meet people 400
To meet people =Conocer a personas
I needed to know 500
I needed to know =Necesitaba saber
Many years ago 100
Many years ago = Hace muchos años
He bought 200
He bought = compró
He got mad 300
He got mad = Se puso enojado
There was a jungle 400
There was a jungle = Habia una selva
He finally arrived 500
Por fin llegó
Like this, like that 100
Like this, like that = asi
Next to 200
Next to = al lado de
A loud voice 300
A loud voice = una voz fuerte
There were people everywhere 400
There were people everywhere = Habia gente por todas partes
He is embarrassed 500
He is embarrassed= Tiene verguenza
Tocaba la guitarra 100
S/he/I used to play the guitar
While he was living/ used to live 200
While he was living = mientras vivía
I like that 300
I like that = me gusta eso
She taught him to dance 400
She taught him to dance =Le enseñó a bailar
He told her about the thief 500
He told her about the thief =Le dijo acerca de la ladrona
Yes = 100
Yes= Sí (with an accent)
Poor little thing 200
Poor little thing Pobrecito
Sounds good 300
Sounds good = Suena bien
He picked up the knife 400
He picked up the knife Se alejaron Recogió el cuchillo
500 She is afraid of high places
=Tiene miedo de los lugares altos