A T THE END OF THIS UNIT YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO : Describe clothes and patterns Describe people’s physical appearance Offer and ask for assistance Ask for things Ask and say the price Build the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives Use the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives Understand the objectives to accomplish at the end of each activity Evaluate the outcomes of the strategies used to accomplish the objectives Adopt new strategies to accomplish the objectives, whenever necessary
E VALUATION The activities proposed in the platform will help you to prepare for the evaluation test. Each time you submit a worksheet, a grammar worksheets or write in a forum, you will be participating in class. Participation is very important because it will account for 25% of your final evaluation. The evaluation test will account for 75% for your final evaluation in this term.
W ORKING SCRIPT Solve the activities proposed. Start by Activity A and follow the alphabetical order. At the begining of each activity you may download an audio file that will help you to solve the tasks. At the end do not forget to evaluate the oucomes of your learning, pay special attention to Activity G because it will help you to study for the evaluation test. Good work!