West Kent Detector Club Web Site
To access the site: Type wkdc.co.uk into your internet browser wkdc.co.uk And click ‘Return’ on your keyboard
WKDC Home Page Navigate here Or here
Navigation Bar Short resume of the club Form to contact us via web page Links to other interesting web sites Committee members only need worry about this bit!
Navigating the Site Left click your mouse on any of these items on the Navigation Bar to open them. If I click on ‘Club History’ this is what I will see. This is a ‘Post’ If I left click my mouse on the wkdc logo – it will open the ‘Post’ and I will be able to see all of it.
Club History There is a lot more of it but you need to scroll down using the bar on the right of your screen to see the rest.
Events You need to left click your mouse here to open the ‘Post’.
Events There is more to see but you need to scroll down to see it.
Gallery You need to left click your mouse here to open the ‘Post’ There are four galleries to see: PAS, COIN, BROOCH & ARTEFACT You need to scroll down to see all four ‘Posts’
PAS Gallery There is a lot more to see so you need to scroll down. Record Number
To See the full PAS Record Make a note of the PAS Record Number such as KENT-250BB4. Left click with the mouse on the link on the right of the screen – this will open up the Portable Antiquities Scheme website. Click on Database on the Navigation Bar
This is the screen you will see. Type the PAS Record Number into the ‘Find Number:’ box and left mouse click on ‘Search’ – this should give the full record. KENT-250BB4
Coin Gallery Left click on the WKDC logo to open the ‘Post’. This is what you should see. To enlarge any picture left mouse click on it – there is a brief description under each enlargement. You can view as a slide show by clicking on [Show as slideshow]. There are more pages to view by clicking on the numbers under the picture thumbnails.
Brooches Gallery Left click on the WKDC logo to open the ‘Post’ This is what you will see. Again left click on the picture to enlarge, note the description. You can view as a slide show and there are more pages.
Artefact Gallery As before: Left click here to open the ‘Post’ Click thumbnail to enlarge, view description, show as slideshow and there are more pages.
Once again the same thing. Click here! I’m thinking you all know how to do it now but don’t forget to scroll down for more!
Members Area
This one is a little different, as you see the ‘Posts’ are ‘Protected’. When you first click on the WKDC logo you will be asked for a password. There are lots of ‘Posts’ in this area, you need to scroll down. At the bottom left of the page you will see. Click on >> to see more pages of ‘Posts’. Once you have put the password in your computer will remember it unless you delete your ‘cookies’. Take care if you use computers other than your own as it will leave the site open and insecure!
I hope you can now successfully ‘navigate’ the site! Please look at it often so that you don’t miss anything new. If you don’t have internet access please tell me so that other arrangements can be made for you. I would like to thank Micaela Burr, Site Admin, without whose expertise this site would not have been built! Lesley Burr