Author: Carol LindeenGenre: Informational Text
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Review
What is in an ocean environment?
Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Life in an Ocean Vocabulary Words Introduce Initial /a/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 6: Let’s Go Grammar: Nouns for More Than One Shared Writing Journal Writing Science: Different Kinds of Water
In the Ocean In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see fish, lots of fish. Come and look at them with me. In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see shells, lots of shells. Come and look at them with me.
In the Ocean In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see crabs, lots of crabs. Come and look at them with me. In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see seaweed, lots of seaweed. Come and look at them with me.
a m a t
t i g e r w a l k t u r t le t u r k e y t o a d t o u c a n t a d p o l e h o m e
is this I am little a to
the fish is little The fish is little.
Nouns, or naming words, name people, animals, places, and things. Today we are going to practice nouns when there is more than one of something.
The boys and girls play at the beach.
Dictate and draw a picture of something that begins like ant.
Oral Language Comprehension Grammar Tomorrow we will read about ocean life again.
How are fish and crabs different?
Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Life in an Ocean Vocabulary Words Practice /a/ High-Frequency Words Phonics Story: I Have! Grammar: Nouns for More Than One Shared Writing Journal Writing Science: Animals and Their Environment
In the Ocean In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see fish, lots of fish. Come and look at them with me. In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see shells, lots of shells. Come and look at them with me.
In the Ocean In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see crabs, lots of crabs. Come and look at them with me. In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see seaweed, lots of seaweed. Come and look at them with me.
It’s Time to Go Camping It’s time to grab a handy map, It’s time to pack a bag too! The ride is long; we’ll take a nap, It’s time to go camping! Dad packs all the pots and pans, Gram packs Sammy, the cat, too! Ann lines up at the yellow van, It’s time to go camping!
have is to a the little I am
h a m g u m c a t r a t
pam will have this bat Pam will have this bat.
Nouns, or naming words, name people, animals, places, and things. Today we are going to practice nouns when there is more than one of something.
I like the colorful fish.
Dictate and draw a picture of two words that end in –at.
Oral Language Grammar Homework Tomorrow we will read about the animals going to school again Oral Language Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read Tam at the Beach. What do you think Tam will do at the beach?
Where does a crab take a nap at night?
Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Life in an Ocean Vocabulary Words Practice /a/ High-Frequency Words Student Reader: Tam at the Beach Grammar: Nouns for Places and Things Shared Writing Journal Writing Science: Ocean Environments Comprehension: Same and Different
In the Ocean In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see fish, lots of fish. Come and look at them with me. In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see shells, lots of shells. Come and look at them with me.
In the Ocean In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see crabs, lots of crabs. Come and look at them with me. In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see seaweed, lots of seaweed. Come and look at them with me.
a m T a m a t c r a b r e d s a d g o o d – b y e
have is to a the little I am
fish swim in the ocean Fish swim in the ocean.
Nouns, or naming words, name people, animals, places, and things. Today we are going to practice nouns when there is more than one of something.
I am at the beach. I have a beach mat.
Draw and label a picture of animals in their ocean home.
Respond to Literature Grammar Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about machines that work in all sorts of different places.
How are a fish and a crab alike?
Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: Dig Dig Digging Practice Initial /t/ High-Frequency Words Decodable Reader 7: A Little Mat Grammar: Nouns for More Than One Shared Writing Journal Writing Social Studies: Basic Needs of Animals Language Arts: Drama Math/Grammar: Nouns for More Than One
In the Ocean In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see fish, lots of fish. Come and look at them with me. In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see shells, lots of shells. Come and look at them with me.
In the Ocean In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see crabs, lots of crabs. Come and look at them with me. In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see seaweed, lots of seaweed. Come and look at them with me.
m a t T a m a m a t
have is to a the little I am
fish can swim all day Fish can swim all day.
Nouns, or naming words, name people, animals, places, and things. Today we are going to practice nouns when there is more than one of something.
I ____ an ocean animal. You can see me _____ the beach. I ____ a crab! Who found a crab ____the beach? ____found a crab ____ the beach.
Draw and label a place where tractors are used.
Respond to Literature Speaking & Listening Homework Idea Tomorrow we will read about a baby beluga whale! I wonder what he does.
What is in an ocean environment?
Build Background Amazing Words Shared Reading: “Baby Belgua” Review /a/ High-Frequency Words Progress Monitoring: Identify Initial /a/ and Read the Sentences Grammar: Nouns for More Than One Shared Writing Journal Writing Social Studies: Maps and Globes Math: Graphing
In the Ocean In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see fish, lots of fish. Come and look at them with me. In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see shells, lots of shells. Come and look at them with me.
In the Ocean In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see crabs, lots of crabs. Come and look at them with me. In the ocean, in the ocean, There’s a whole new world to see. I see seaweed, lots of seaweed. Come and look at them with me.
i have a little Crab I have a a little crab.
Nouns, or naming words, name people, animals, places, and things. Today we are going to practice nouns when there is more than one of something.
ant ants crab crabs cat cats duck ducks dog dogs alligator alligators
I see a shell. I see a crab.
Write or draw what you would do if you were a fish in the ocean.
Phonics Shared Reading High-Frequency Words Next week we will read about an armadillo. What do you think an armadillo is? Where does it live?
New Words Review
have this had how is or an
water animals plant salt shore kelp
ocean world crab shell fish seaweed
Progress Monitoring
mat at top am met Tam
at mat am
1. I have a mat. 2. I am Tam. 3. The mat is little. 4. Am I at the mat?