Let us improve our English – 1 Common mistakes we make 1
There/their/they’re These are homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings; that is why we get confused. The rules: 1. Use “there” to refer to a place that isn’t here – “over there”. 2. We also use “there” to state something – “There are no biscuits left.” 3. “Their” indicates possession – something belonging to them. 4. “They’re” is short for “they are”. Wrong usage: Their going to be here soon We should contact they’re agent Can we use there car? Their is an argument that says Correct usage: They’re going to be here soon We should contact their agent Can we use their car? There is an argument that says 2
Fewer/less The mistake most people make is using “less” (for quantity) when they actually mean “fewer” (for numbers), rather than the other way round. The rules: 1. “Fewer” refers to items you can count individually. 2. “Less” refers to a commodity, such as sand or water, which you can’t count individually. 3. Less time but fewer hours 4. Less stress but fewer worries Wrong usage: There are less packets now She has less toys as compared to him Ten items or less Correct usage: There are fewer packets now She has fewer toys as compared to him Ten items or fewer 3
Amount/number These two work in the same way as “less” and “fewer”, referring respectively to commodities and individual items. We say 14 to 15 people came. People can be counted and are separate entities, so we should say 14 or 15 people cam. The rules: 1. “Amount” refers to a commodity, which can’t be counted (for instance water). 2. “Number” refers to individual things that can be counted (for example birds). Wrong usage: A greater amount of people are eating more healthily Correct usage: A greater number of people are eating more healthily The rain dumped a larger amount of water on the country than is average for the month 4
To/two/too It’s easy to see why people get this one wrong, but there’s no reason why you should. The rules: 1. “To” is used in the infinitive form of a verb – “to talk”. 2. “To” is also used to mean “towards”. 3. “Too” means “also” or “as well”. 4. “Two” refers to the number 2. Wrong usage: I’m to hot It’s time two go I’m going too town He bought to cakes Correct usage: I’m too hot It’s time to go I’m going to town He bought two cakes 5
Wait for few days for some more interesting facts. Till then bye…………. 6