There are admirable potentialities in every human being. Believe in your strength and your youth. Learn to repeat endlessly to yourself, 'It all depends on me.' Andre Gide Andre Gide What does this message mean to you? Write the quotation in your Writers Notebook and explain what the message means to you. Write down the things that you are great at. Try to make a list of at least 20 things. Bring your journal to Morning Meeting.
Dear Mathematicians, Please use this valuable time to calculate how many hours/minutes/seconds there are in three days. For those students who want to earn a Knights Pledge, try to figure how many hours/minutes/seconds you are in school. (Use from 8:00 to 2:45) Hint: You can use the commutative property of multiplication and/or the associative property. Example: 5 days x 24 hours per day=120 hours 5 days x 24 hours per day x 60 seconds = 7200
Dear Students Who Are as Bright as the Stars in the sky, What you just read was a simile. It compares to things, usually with the words “like” or “as”. Think of a simile that can describe YOU. (It must be kind to you, not silly, and appropriate!). For example, “My name is Mrs. Biondi and I am as busy as a bee gathering honey before a storm”. Write your simile on the card and illustrate it. Bring it to Morning Meeting. Please make sure it is colorful so we can display them.
Good Morning Morning Meeting focus: What does winter mean to you? Fill in one of the charts on the board, writing your response on a Post It. Make sure you initial your name next to your response. Some examples from the past were: Winter smells like hot cocoa on a cold day. Winter looks like icicles hanging from my trees, waiting to be picked. What your Morning Work is: Please work on Math Boxes 5.6 and 5.7
We have done probability experiments before. Today I would like you to try a dice experiment about this question: What is the probably of rolling a factor of 6? You will each roll one die once and instead of tally marks, write the number you used in the correct column.