Unit 204: Provide information and advice to customers in a retail environment Revision cards Next card
Closed questions begin with: do can will. Next card
Open questions begin with: who when where how why. Next card
Reasons to give customers accurate information: giving inaccurate information is poor customer service giving misleading information is against the law. Next card
in writing, for example on a leaflet you give the customer The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations say that any description of goods must be accurate. The description could be: in writing, for example on a leaflet you give the customer in an illustration, for example in a catalogue you give the customer spoken, for example in information you give the customer. Next card
Product information can be found from: literature provided by the manufacturer or trade publications packaging, labelling or instructions supplied with the product point of sale material colleagues and supervisors training provided by suppliers or your supervisor or training department the internet or your company’s intranet. Next card
The principles of the Sale of Goods Act are: goods must be of satisfactory quality goods must be fit for purpose the seller is responsible not the manufacturer purchases can return goods up to six years after purchase (five years from discovery in Scotland) for the first six months the retailer must prove the product was not faulty; after this the purchaser must prove it was. Next card
When dealing with an angry customer be polite show empathy remain calm get all the facts. Next card