Images of Bródy Imre Grammar School
Education Of course education is the most important at school. Our school is the best in our region. Students have good results, and they win places at universities and colleges. There is a lot of useful equipement which help the work of the teachers and the students
Sport You can spend your freetime here. There are many possibilities to do exercises: –Basketball –Floorball –Volleyball –Football There are schoolcamps both in winter and in summer, like skicamps and sports camp
Competitons There are competitions of each subject, and a large number of students take part in them, with quite good results.
Library It is the most pleasant place in the school. You can go there if you need silence. There are a lot of documents: – books –250 cd-dvd-s –Videos, cassettes You can use some computers, search or surf the internet.
Special occasions Bródy Day –L–Last day at school, without learning. We play funny games, and there are some exhibitions. School leaving ceremony Crazy school leaving ceremony –I–It is the last day for school leaving students, and they enjoy themself. Bródy ball