By: Samuel Kinnin District Secretary
Reporting helps clubs improve through comparing month to month Clubs have documentation of their service and activities They can learn how to be organized Service and the difference made by the club can be seen and visualized Reasons to Report
Send reports to: District Secretary, Regional Advisor, LTG, and Kiwanis clubs Mail reports to: Samuel Kinnin 323 Garmon Dr. Early, TX (Put in large manila envelope which can be decorated for extra points) Remember to the reports should be postmarked by the 5 th of the month! Important Information
Main Page Activity Sheet Minutes Report Extra Components Parts of the Report
The main page is the cover for the report The template can be found at the District Website under secretary resources This page is mainly for meeting attendance and attendance at other events. It also shows amount of club recognition and publicity throughout the month Main Page
Tips: Remember to write the current number of members Do not put 0s in spaces but leave it blank Provide proof for 100% attendance Provide proof for club publicity of any kind Remember to have signatures Remember to fill in the info for the president, secretary, and advisor to receive monthly report feedbacks Remember to send articles and newsletters to the District Editor Main Page (Continued)
This is a document about projects done over the month (not socials or any other event) Remember to put # of members in club Write project descriptions (the more detailed the better) Do not write in totals boxes Remember to write the number of service hours and if any money is spent or raised For over 100 hours or over $500 raised or spent provide proof to get credit. Activity Sheet
This is a step by step guide through the meeting Needs to be done for both board and regular meetings Look on website for sample page for more info Look on website under secretary resources for the template Please only do one per meeting The more detailed the better Get signature at the end Minutes
Agendas: Attach agendas of meetings in the report Task of the month: On the website under secretary blog you can see the Task of the month which is a short assignment for extra points Club Newsletter: The club editor can create a newsletter and send it to the District Editor and myself Articles to Tex-O-Key: Send articles to the District Editor and myself for more info look on the website Bulletins: Clubs can have up to 50 bulletins which are Facebook posts by the club page, group texts, etc. Extra Components
There are countless resources on the District Website under secretary resources and secretary blog: The Jolly Book of Wisdom: This is a small book that provides tips and it works as a guide to help secretaries. Monthly Report Tutorial: There is a video that walks step by step through all the components of the report and provides tips. (I encourage everyone to watch it) Sample Minutes: This page is a sample on what the minutes reports should look like and it provides tips at the end. There are other sample pages under secretary resources. Monthly Vlogs: This is found under secretary blog and provides updates and answers FAQs Resources Available
Remind 101: They are reminders through text about secretary matters. Instructions below. T-O District Secretaries Facebook Page: I encourage everyone to join this for updates and reminders. It is open to anyone Utilize District Secretary Samuel Kinnin. I am happy to answer any questions or anything you need to talk to me about. Resources Available
Keep up with all sign in sheets throughout the month so you don’t have to search for them. Remember to have sign in sheets for meetings and projects Take screenshots of all post for bulletins and get proof of any newspaper articles or any publicity Invite Kiwanis advisors to attend your meetings and introduce them. Then also go to their meetings Complete the Annual Achievement Report at the end of the year. Print out the Jolly Book of Wisdom to help with reporting. Then look at all the resources for help Make the minutes reports detailed with paragraphs not bullet points. Remember to make project descriptions detailed. Include details of what you did, how many attended, how long the project was, if there were any guests or if it was an interclub Additional Tips
The COCI stands for club officer contact information. It is important that secretaries update their officer contacts on the District website Each school should have a password and username to update the COCI If you need help ask me! COCI
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