The Internet can be great- but we need to be careful about how we use it There are lots of social media sites and some of them are not safe. You need to keep safe and not get yourself into trouble or danger.
If you need a password or code for a site think carefully about what to use. If you use your first name as your password it can be easily guessed and then your account will be hacked into. In your code try to use capital and lowercase letters, a number and a symbol to make it very secure e.g.
You need to think, think, think, Before you click, click, click, And tell someone.
TELL someone – your parents, teachers, adults you trust, CEOP
There is a CEOP button on most social media websites. If you click the button it will report your abuse on social media. Here is the button and a link. CEOP: Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre...
If you have your own site on the internet, (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, vimeo and kik)would you want strangers to know everything about you? NO, you only want your friends to know. Go to the settings and there should be a friends only button so TURN IT ON!!!!!!!!
www. www.
Keep yourself SAFE