Entrada: Las palabras opuestas [en el libro importante] Write each word and its opposite. Español 1 El 9 de abril de bonito 2.grande 3.derecha 4.peor 5.alto 6.negro 7.ordenado 8.joven
D escription – essential qualities of a person (name, physical description) O ccupation – career or job C haracteristic – personality traits T ime – days, dates, & hours O rigin – where a person is from or what a things is made of R elationship – connections between people or with a higher power (religion)
P osition – physical position or posture of a person or thing L ocation – location of someone or something (except for events) A ction – ongoing action using the present progressive tense C ondition – physical & mental conditions E motion – how a person is feeling
Some adjectives can be used with both SER and ESTAR, but they have different meanings. ser aburrido– to be boring estar aburrido– to be bored ser cansado– to be a tiring person estar cansado– to be tired