PDS User Management DigiTool Version 3.0
User Management 2 PDS Overview PDS Setup Single Sign On Agenda
User Management 3 PDS (Patron Directory Services ) Overview The Patron Directory Service (PDS) is a “back-end” Web component that facilitates patron authentication and login to a calling application. The PDS is part of the standard calling application package, but it is a distinct and separate component. The PDS does not have a patron database of its own. The PDS can be configured to work against the institution’s local authentication server and patron database, such as an LDAP directory service. The PDS can receive patron information (user ID and additional patron details) via a standard XML output from the institution’s local patron database and relay this to the calling application for the creation/update of individual user records.
User Management 4 Remote PDS Patron in DigiTool PDS Authentication Store in Z312 as PDS User (Type 1) Sign On Sign Off Start Session End Session Remote User Database DigiTool User Database
User Management 5 PDS Overview PDS Setup Single Sign On Agenda
User Management 6 PDS Environment and Setup To enter the root directory of the PDS, enter the following command: pdsroot (/exlibris/dtl/d3_1/pds) The tab_service tables reside under the../pds/conf_table directory and are the central configuration tables in the PDS. The Main PDS Configuration Table is tab_service.digitool
User Management 7 Standard DigiTool 3.0 Configuration tab_service.digitool User authentication: [AUTHENTICATE] program = digitool.pl params = sfx.unisi.it:8881,op=BOR_AUTH,DAT01,PDS,PDS,N [END] Get user information: [BOR_INFO] program = digitool.pl params = sfx.unisi.it:8881,op=BOR_INFO,DAT01,PDS,PDS,N [END]
User Management 8 DigiTool PDS Configuration for ALEPH Users [AUTHENTICATE] program = aleph_16.pl params = host,port,BOR_AUTH,ADM50,N,WWW-X,WWW-X program = digitool.pl params = sfx.unisi.it:8881,op=BOR_AUTH,DAT01,PDS,PDS,N [END] [BOR_INFO] program = aleph_16.pl params = host,port,BOR_AUTH,ADM50,N,WWW-X,WWW-X program = digitool.pl params = sfx.unisi.it:8881,op=BOR_INFO,DAT01,PDS,PDS,N [END] Host – Remote hostname Port – Remote port ADM50 –Remote User Library According to this configuration the system will check the user in Remote User Database and if not found then in DigiTool User database.
User Management 9 How to check the PDS session? If pds user is Logged in 2 files are found in pdsroot/pds_files/ 1) z session_id = exl_id = 230 institute = DIGITOOL id = 230 verification = 755 calling_system = digitool date = time = buffer = remote_address = ram7:8881/R; ;digitool 2) z311.exl_id.230 session_id =
User Management 10 PDS Overview PDS Setup Single Sign On Agenda
User Management 11 Single Sign On Overview PDS supports Single Sign On and Single Sign Off across Ex Libris products. PDS can be configured to provide Single Sign On services between the following Ex Libris products: MetaLib, DigiTool and ALEPH. The following sections describe the configuration steps necessary to configure the calling systems to share the PDS and to provide Single Sign- On (SSO) across Ex Libris products. The calling system (MetaLib / DigiTool / ALEPH) connects to, and authenticates against, the IP address and the port number of the PDS. In addition, the PDS has a configuration file containing definitions for SSO logon and logout. For example, if a user logs into MetaLib, and then from the same browser session logs into DigiTool, DigiTool will query PDS to establish if the user has a valid PDS cookie. If the user has a valid PDS cookie, the user will be logged on to DigiTool automatically.
User Management 12 PDS SSO Setup In the./pds/conf_table/sso_conf file: [LOGON] TYPE1 = digitool,metalib,aleph [END] TYPE 1: Enable automatic Sign On—enables a shared session between the various TYPE1 applications.
User Management 13 PDS SSO Setup [LOGOUT] TYPE2 = digitool,metalib,aleph [END] There are two configuration options: TYPE 1: Enable automatic Sign Off—when logging off from one application, the user is automatically logged off from all other applications defined as TYPE 1. In the above example, when the user logs off from MetaLib, he is logged off from DigiTool and ALEPH as well. TYPE 2: Enable selective Sign Off—when a user logs off from Metalib, for example, a menu of other applications defined as TYPE 2 appears. This allows the user to select the applications that he wants to log off from.
User Management 14 Calling System PDS Variables in DigiTool Steps to change the variables to the shared PDS: 1. From the $dtle_root directory, open dtl_start. setenv PDS_HOST shared host (Master) setenv PDS_PORT shared port (Master) 2. In the www_server.conf file, change the server_pds variable if it is hard coded to use variables from the dtle_start file. ###################### # PDS definitions: ###################### setenv server_pds " 3. Source dtl_start and run UTIL W/3/1 to start the servers. PDS log file is located under cd $LOGDIR: pds_server.log
User Management 15 Thank you!