ER Course Objectives 2 At the conclusion of class participants should: ● Have knowledge of Flexible Features ● Understand how to use financial reports in combination with agency chart of accounts to run management analysis reports ● Understand the different data elements in financial reports that help you answer questions such as “what do I have to spend?”, “what have I spent?”, and “what do I have left to spend?” ● Know how to schedule allotment and expenditure reports ● Know how to schedule estimated revenue versus actual reports
What are “flexible” reports? 3 ● Flexible reports give you the ability to create reports that have data displayed in a manner that is functional to you and your business requirements (refer to Appendix B of Enterprise Reports Training Manual for details) ● Reports that have flexible group features ● Groups determine how data is sorted ● “Canned” reports have predetermined groups ● Flexible reports allow users the flexibility to specify groups
Reports with Flexible Groups - Daily Reports Category 4 ● Agency Payment Register Summary Flexible ● Data is presented by selection in the 5 groups
Reports with Flexible Groups - Daily Reports Category (Cont..) 5 ● You can filter by pay process type
Reports with Flexible Groups Expenditure Flexible category 6
Reports with Flexible Groups Revenue Flexible Category 7 ● Estimated Versus Actual Revenue Flexible ● Revenue Activity Flexible ● Revenue Activity with Liquidations Flexible ● Revenue Status Flexible ● Revenue Summary Flexible ● Revenue Variable Data By Month Flexible
Reports with Flexible Groups Allotment Expenditure Flexible Category 8
Reports with Flexible Groups (Cont…) 9 ● General Ledger category ● General Ledger Activity Flexible ● General Ledger Analysis Flexible ● General Ledger Summary Flexible ● Project-to-Date category ● Project Billing BTD Flexible ● Project Billing Flexible ● Project Management Flexible ● Project Status Flexible
Features available in the flexible reports include…. 10 ● Report Group - give you the ability to select the account codes that will be used to sort data in your report ● Subtotals – can be chosen for any level of groupings within the Report Groups – which group totals are computed and displayed ● Group Balances – The Include Balances option will provide the beginning and ending balances for each group for the time period selected ● Section (Standard) - provide additional groupings within a summary report that are static ● Section (Custom) – provide additional groupings within a summary report that are dynamic and allow you to decide what data you want displayed in the report
Definition: Group 11 ● Grouping determines how data is sorted on a report ● Group 1 = first level of sort, Group 2 = second level of sort, Group 3 = third level of sort, and etc. ● “Canned” reports have predetermined groups ● Flexible group feature lets user specify groups
Explanation: Group 12 ● For transaction detail reports, detail line is displayed for lowest group ● Selection parameter is titled “Group n”, where n = group number ● Pick list values for Group parameter are AFRS account code elements (e.g., Account, Program, Project, and so on) ● Reports with flexible groups provide from four to eight group selections
Illustration: Group 13 ● Let’s assume we need an Expenditure Activity report that is sorted first by Account, then by Program Index (PI), Subobject, and Sub-subobject ● Use the following group selections:
Illustration: Group (continued) 14 Sample data layout will look like this: (Detail Line will be at Sub-subobject level, the lowest group selected)
Illustration: Group (continued) 15 After all the data for first SSO is displayed, report will list the next SSO and its detail lines, and so on. It will continue displaying data for the groups in the order selected.
Definition: Group Subtotals 16 Group subtotals determine for which groups totals are computed and displayed Available on detail transaction reports: selection parameter is entitled “Period Activity Group n” where n represents group number Also available on some summary level reports using selection parameter “Subtotal Group n” Pick list values are “Yes” (display a group total) or “No” (do not display a group total)
Illustration: Group Subtotals 17 Using previous Expenditure Activity report example: We want to display totals for all 4 groups. Use the following group subtotal selections:
Illustration: Groups w/ Subtotals 18 Sample data layout will look like this:
Illustration: Groups w/ Subtotals (Continued) 19 Sample data layout will look like this:
Definition: Group Balances 20 Group balances determine for which groups beginning and ending balances are computed and displayed On detail transaction reports, selection parameter is entitled “Include Balances” Pick list values are “Yes” or “No” Selection is global; it applied to balances for all groups
Illustration: Balances 21 Using previous example, assume we select “Include Balances” = Yes.
Illustration: Balances 22 Sample data layout will look like this:
Illustration: Groups, Subtotals, & Balances 23 More sample - data layout will look like this:
Exercise 1, 2, 3, break 24 Do exercise 1, 2,3, and take break
Exercise 1: Grouping 25 Schedule an Expenditure Activity Flexible, selecting 1 account, using the following flexible features. Group 1 = Account Group 2 = Program Index Group 3 = Subobject Group 4 = Sub-subobject Period Activity Group 1 – 4 = change to No Include Balances = No Note the data displayed at lowest group level Note no subtotal Note no beginning balance & ending balance
Exercise 2: Grouping & Subtotal 26 Reschedule the Expenditure Activity Flexible from Exercise 1 Group 1 = Account Group 2 = Program Index Group 3 = Subobject Group 4 = Sub-subobject Period Activity Group 1 – 4 = change to Yes Include Balances = No Note the data displayed at lowest group level Note display of period activity (this is your subtotal) Note no beginning balance & ending balance
Exercise 3: Grouping, Subtotal, & Balances 27 Reschedule the Expenditure Activity Flexible from Exercise 2 Group 1 = Account Group 2 = Program Index Group 3 = Subobject Group 4 = Sub-subobject Period Activity Group 1 – 4 = Yes Include Balances = change to Yes Note the data displayed at lowest group level Note display of period activity (this is your subtotal) Note display of beginning balance & ending balance
Take break 28
More features : Flexible Sections 29 Definition Definition Sections are additional groupings within a summary report Each section is a separate sub-grouping of Report Groups Each section is independent of the other sections All sections should have the same total At least one section must be selected With flexible sections, you get to choose the sections on a report Think of a section as a ‘mini-report’ for the Report Groups
Flexible Sections available on the following summary level reports 30 Allotment Expenditure/Revenue BTD Flexible Allotment Expenditure Monthly Bien Flexible Allotment Expenditure/Revenue Status Flexible Allotment Expenditure FYTD Flexible Allotment Management Flexible Allotment Management Flexible – Expanded Expenditure Summary Flexible Revenue Status Flexible Estimated vs. Actual Revenue Flexible Project Billing BTD Flexible Project Billing Flexible Project Management Flexible Project Status Flexible
Definition: Flexible Sections 31 There are two types of sections: Standard and Custom Standard sections provided pre-selected groupings: Account/Expenditure Authority Expenditure Authority Type Organization Project Object Revenue Source Custom sections allow users to select their own groups
Definition: Standard Sections provide pre-selected groupings 32
Definition: Custom Sections Allow users to select their own groups 33
Illustration: Flexible Sections 34 We need an Allotment Expenditure/Revenue Status report at the Subprogram level. We want to see funding data and object & subobject data for each Subprogram. Use the following Report Group selections: Group 1 = Program Group 2 = Subprogram Use the following Section selections: Funding data = Account/Expenditure Authority Object data = Object/Subobject
Illustration: Flexible Sections (Continued) 35
Rules for grouping with AFRS account code hierarchies: 36 Must select as groups all chart of account codes above lowest account code group selected E.g., If grouping by Activity, must select the following: Group 1 = Program Group 2 = Subprogram Group 3 = Activity Applies to the following Chart of Account codes hierarchies: Program (Program, Subprogram, Activity, Subactivity, Task) Organization (Division, Branch, Section, Unit) Project (Project, Subproject, Project Phase) Object (Object, Subobject, Sub-subobject Revenue Source (Major Source, Source, Subsource) Refer to Appendix A of Enterprise Reporting Financial Reports Training Manual for additional details on rules for grouping with AFRS account code hierarchies
Must select as groups all chart of account codes above lowest account code group selected 37 For example, take a look at the “Program” AFRS account code hierarchy. In this chart of account, Activity is located on the third tier under Program In ER, if you want to look at the detail surrounding the Activity, you must input the Program in Group 1, Subprogram in Group 2, and Activity in Group 3
Program structure Grouping Rules applies to the following Chart of Account codes hierarchies: Program structure 38
Organization Structure Grouping Rules applies to the following Chart of Account codes hierarchies: Organization Structure 39 :
Project Grouping Rules applies to the following Chart of Account codes hierarchies: Project 40 :
Object Grouping Rules applies to the following Chart of Account codes hierarchies: Object 41
Revenue Source Grouping Rules applies to the following Chart of Account codes hierarchies: Revenue Source 42 :
Exercise 4, 5, 6, break 43 Do exercise 4, 5,6, and take break
Exercise 4: Section (see funding data) 44 Schedule an Allotment Expenditure/Revenue Status Flexible, selecting 1 account, through current fiscal month. Group 1 = Program Group 2 = Subprogram Select Account/Expenditure Authority Section
Exercise 5: Section (see funding & object data) 45 Reschedule an Allotment Expenditure/Revenue Status Flexible from exercise 4 Group 1 = Program Group 2 = Subprogram Select “Account/Expenditure Authority” in Account/Expenditure Authority Section Select “object” in Object Structure Section
Exercise 6: Section (see funding, object & staffing data) 46 Reschedule an Allotment Expenditure/Revenue Status Flexible from exercise 5. Group 1 = Program Group 2 = Subprogram Select “Account/Expenditure Authority” in Account/Expenditure Authority Section Select “object” in Object Structure Section Select “yes” in Staff Section
Take break 47
Answering your management questions about spending 48 What do I have to spend? What have I spent? What do I have left to spend?
Let’s view your Allotment Expenditure/Revenue Status Flexible report 49 Click on Instance Time Click on History
Total Bien Allot = What do I have to spend? 50
Bien Actual = What have I spent? 51
Bien Remain = What do I have left to spend? 52
Exercise 7 – Schedule an Allotment Expenditure/Revenue Status Flexible report as follow: 53 Select your agency Select Fiscal Month “Current” Select your account No grouping Select “Account/Expenditure Authority” in Account/Expenditure Authority Section Select “Object” in Object Structure Section Select “yes” in Staff Section
Total Bien Allot = What do I have to spend? 54
Bien Actual = What have I spent? 55
Bien Remain= What do I have left to spend? 56
Exercise 8 – Schedule an Allotment Management Flexible – Expanded report as follow: 57 Select your agency Select Begin Fiscal Month “01 – Jul FY1” Select End Fiscal Month “-Current” Select your account
Exercise 8 (cont..) 58 No grouping Select “Account/Expenditure Authority” in Account/Expenditure Authority Section Select “Object” in Object Structure Section Select “yes” in Staff Section
Exercise 8 – Total Biennium Allotments = What do I have to spend? 59 Allotment Management Flexible – Expanded
Exercise 8 – Biennium-to-Date Expenditures + Encumbrances = What have I spent? 60 Allotment Management Flexible - Expanded
Exercise 8 – Total Biennium Remaining Balance = What do I have left to spend? 61 Allotment Management Flexible – Expanded
Answering your management questions about revenues 62 What do I expect to receive? What have I received? What do I have left to receive?
Total Bien Est Rev= What do I expect to receive? 63
Bien Actual Revenue= What have I received? 64
Total Bien Variance= What do I have left to receive? 65
Exercise 9 - Reschedule an Allotment Expenditure/Revenue Status Flexible report (from Exercise 7) to add Revenue Source section: 66
Exercise 9 – Answering your management questions about revenues 67 What do I expect to receive? What have I received? What do I have left to receive?
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