Workshop of the Friends of the Chair on Integrated Economic Statistics EU Regulatory Framework Peter Bekx Bern 6 June 2007
Economic areas - national accounts and input/output tables - business statistics, which also includes statistics on the information society - energy - international trade - transport - tourism - prices - R&D
ESA95 broadly compatible with SNAbroadly compatible with SNA provides methodology on common standards, definitions, classifications, accountingprovides methodology on common standards, definitions, classifications, accounting provides programme for data transmissionprovides programme for data transmission Regulation: rules are binding for EU Member StatesRegulation: rules are binding for EU Member States two main sets of tables: sector accounts; I/O and industry accountstwo main sets of tables: sector accounts; I/O and industry accounts
ESA95 Characteristics Concepts are: 1) internationally compatible 2) harmonised with those in other social and economic statistics 3) consistent 4) operational 5) different from most administrative concepts 6) well-established and fixed for a long period 7) focused on describing the economic process in monetary and readily observable terms 8) flexible and multi-purpose
ESA95 Satellite accounts specific domains: tourism, R&D, …specific domains: tourism, R&D, … more detailmore detail change some conceptschange some concepts retain basic concepts and classificationsretain basic concepts and classifications link with aggregateslink with aggregates
NACE Rev2 internationally compatibleinternationally compatible linkage with other EU classifications either through structure or conversion tableslinkage with other EU classifications either through structure or conversion tables use of NACE mandatory in EU Member Statesuse of NACE mandatory in EU Member States national versions are allowed but must fit into NACE frameworknational versions are allowed but must fit into NACE framework
Features of the system mandatory in EU Member Statesmandatory in EU Member States compulsory data transmission programmecompulsory data transmission programme EU legislation directly applicable in Member StatesEU legislation directly applicable in Member States Adopted by Council and Parliament upon proposal from European Commission (Eurostat)Adopted by Council and Parliament upon proposal from European Commission (Eurostat)
Improvement areas integration only partial in certain domainsintegration only partial in certain domains not at most disaggregated levelnot at most disaggregated level historic development: not integrated but area by areahistoric development: not integrated but area by area
ESA95 Revision required because of SNA93 updaterequired because of SNA93 update occasion to further improve standardsoccasion to further improve standards development of more integrated systemdevelopment of more integrated system new common framework and principles for satellite accountsnew common framework and principles for satellite accounts
MEETS new needs in statistics – burden reductionnew needs in statistics – burden reduction new data collection methodsnew data collection methods requires integration of data setsrequires integration of data sets programme for integrating business and trade statisticsprogramme for integrating business and trade statistics identify new/obsolete requirements integrate methodologies smarter ways of collecting and processing data simplification of Intrastat