New Mexico User Test Starlogo TNG September 16, 2006 Starlogo TNG September 16, 2006
About this user test We are testing the usability of the program not you, so no pressure. Please fill out the the task form during and after each task we ask you to do. Feel free to use the Internet as a resource. We can’t give you answers since there is no right answer.
Introduction to TNG It is a block programming language. Breeds play a more important role. Buttons in runtime workspace. Procedures and variables are created differently from Starlogo 2. Agent monitors still here.
Task 1 Find the following blocks, move them out to the canvas. Once you have done so, remove these blocks from the canvas.
Task 2 Make the turtle agents in Spaceland move forward, right, and forward again.
Task 3 Make your turtle agent walk forever.
Task 4 Make the turtle agent move forward when you press the up arrow on your keyboard. Hint: computer needs to check for key presses constantly.
Task 5 Now make the turtle agent respond to other keys, left to turn left, and right to turn right.
Task 6 Create a procedure called “Movement” and have it enclose the keyboard control movement you created for your turtle agent. Try moving your turtle agent again with the keyboard.
Task 7 Create a variable “Steps” and assign it a random value from 1-10
Task 8 Use your “Steps” variable to determine the number of steps forward your turtle agent now makes in your “Movement” procedure.
Task 9 Add a parameter to your “Movement” procedure and call it “Angle” Use the “Angle” parameter to determine the amount your turtle agent turns left and right
Task 10 Add a new breed of agents. Name them “cubes” Choose a cube shape for the new breed of agents.
Task 11 Create 8 more cube agents. Hint:
Task 12 Create a procedure called “wander” for the cube agents. This new procedure should make the cubes walk randomly across Spaceland.