Cecil User Meeting Meeting of May 10 th June, 2 pm
Agenda Introduction User Presentation Updates Next Meeting Call for Presentations / Showcases
User Presentation "You've met Cecil, but wait till you've seen what we've done with Cecil". Adam Blake & David Gibson describe use of Cecil for 'Professionals Online', the part-online version of the Institute of Professional Legal Studies practical legal training course. Questions/Answer & Discussions session follows. –Discussions on transferring a F2F course to online; student responses; time management for the students on an online environment…etc took place.
Updates Reminder, One Support number in place –Staff: Extn: for Cecil, nDeva & ITSS –Student:(09) Final Marks and Grades Training session –15 th June 1:30 – 3:30 & repeated 30 th June –Booking through CPD (extn: or cpd- Usage Statistics: –Week 12 Logins: 118,482 – yet another record high Bug fixing updates available online – -> user forumhttp://cecil.auckland.ac.nz/help
Next Meeting Thursday, 5th August 2004, 2 - 4pm Workshop: by Cathy Gunn from CPD "What does it mean to put your lecture notes online?" Descriptions: –This workshop addresses key issues associated with putting lecture notes online for students to access.Will it be taken to mean they don ¡¦t have to come to lectures or is there a more useful purpose than that? Drawing on the experience of lecturers who have already done this,you are invited to discuss the pros and cons of putting your notes online and the impact this might have on teaching and learning strategies. Objectives: –examine the case for and against putting lecture notes online –discuss how students might respond to this scenario –explore the benefi ts and limitations of this as part of a teaching strategy Designed for: –All teaching staff using or considering using an online learning management system
Call for Presentations / Showcases Please contact Sally on If you have some experiences to share with other users. Or, if you have any specific topics you’d like to discuss with the user group. Thank you.