OARS-INSPECT Notes on Managing User Accounts 1
M ANAGING U SER A CCOUNTS How to Create a New User Account How to Modify an existing User Account Discuss what sort of feedback is possible for the assessment items/method you constructed? How to Reset a Password “How to scan” Building an Inspect assessment Creating users, resetting passwords 2
C REATING A N EW U SER A CCOUNT 3 Note: Creating, Modifying, or Resetting a password is all under the “Users” tab. Click on Users 3
Click on Create a New User Account C REATING A N EW U SER A CCOUNT 4
Enter user information and click “Create This User” on Create This User If user will be entering scores or scanning, they will need “Read/Write” access To grant a teacher classroom level access, you must enter their employee id number in the “Teacher ID” field. C REATING A N EW U SER A CCOUNT 5
M ODIFYING U SER ’ S A CCOUNTS 6 To FIND the user, type part of the name of the person you are looking for and click “Go” or press the “Enter” key on your keyboard 6
Select the person whose account you want to change by clicking on the Modify link next to their name. M ODIFYING U SER ’ S A CCOUNTS 7
Make the needed modifications and then CLICK on Modify This User. If user will be entering scores or scanning, they will need “Read/Write” access Don’t forget to select your school To grant a teacher classroom level access, you must enter their employee id number in the “Teacher ID” field. 8
R ESETTING A USER ’ S P ASSWORD To FIND the user, type part of the name of the person you are looking for and click “Go” or press the “Enter” key on your keyboard 9
Select the person whose password you need to reset by clicking on the Reset Password link next to their name. R ESETTING A USER ’ S P ASSWORD 10
Type the new temporary password, then CLICK on Reset Password R ESETTING A USER ’ S P ASSWORD 11