user experience design for web services sarah houghton-jan
what is user experience?
interaction like understand use
user experience accessibility human computer interaction usability branding user experience library science ergonomics performance ethnography web analytics design information architecture technical writing
5 planes of user experience design surface visual design skeleton interface & navigation structure IA & interface design scope content reqs & functionality strategy site objectives & user needs
usability principles
“you are not the user. neither is your boss “you are not the user. neither is your boss.” ~Jessyca Fredrick, ThisNext
5 laws of library science 1) books are for use 2) every reader his [or her] book 3) every book its reader 4) save the time of the reader 5) the library is a growing organism ux web design
usability research
}nice! }meh... surveys focus groups user interviews card sorting walk-throughs user personas }meh... }nice! bazinga!
Photo credit: Adaptive Path (
information architecture
navigation content throughout the site on a page interplay with design
start with a content audit!
navigation 101 fewer words fewer choices fewer steps
writing for the web
remove words (yes, as many as you can)
eBooks, eAudioBooks, and eMusic materials at San Jose Public Library are available 24-7, whenever you’re online. What do I need to use the library’s eBooks, eAudioBooks, and eMusic? A free Library Card account; a personal computer with an internet connection (not a library computer); reader software (for downloadable titles).
block & format
be consistent in labeling
design and information
5 steps to changing your website
stop thinking like a librarian #1 stop thinking like a librarian
watch people use the website #2 watch people use the website
rapid prototype changes #3 rapid prototype changes
#4 test it
#5 implement & repeat
Further Reading x 10 1) Adaptive Path Blog - http://www. adaptivepath Further Reading x 10 1) Adaptive Path Blog - 2) Boxes and Arrows - 3) Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (Steve Krug) 4) Information and Design Usability Resources - 5) A Project Guide to UX Design (Ross Unger and Carolyn Chandler) 6) Sketching User Experiences (Bill Buxton) 7) Ten Usability Tips Based on Research Studies (Cameron Chapman): 8) Undercover User Experience Design: Voices That Matter (Cennydd Bowles and James Box) 9) Usability Guidelines: 10) A User's Guide to Managing User Experience Teams:
questions and discussions Sarah Houghton-Jan @TheLiB