End User Training Session Tennessee Early Warning Data System Marshall County Schools May 2013
End User Training Agenda Early Warning Data System Goals and Pilot Overview Key Training Objectives Guided Exercises Independent Time Wrap-up Discussion
Early Warning Data System Project Background Current Problem: Lots of educational data scattered across multiple systems at the school, district, and state level Educators do not have easy access to a comprehensive picture of student holistic data Proposed Solution: Early Warning Data System consolidates and presents student performance data through an intuitive dashboard Ed-Fi alliance – non-profit subsidiary Open source, freely licensable – gaining acceptance nationally, in states such as Arkansas, Texas, Delaware, South Carolina
Single Pane of Glass Comprehensive Data Demographic Authentication Administration Storage User Experience Grades Authentication Administration Storage User Experience State Assessments Authentication Administration Storage User Experience Local Assessments Authentication Administration Storage User Experience SPED Authentication Administration Storage User Experience Behavioral Authentication Administration Storage User Experience Other Unstructured These are real words that will not cause any red squiggly lines in the automatic spell checker program Sometimes I say to myself, self what are you doing? Demographic Assessments At Risk, SPED, Intervention Grades, Behavior, Other Teachers Single Pane of Glass Comprehensive Data
Dashboards are Grounded in Best Practices and Vetted by Educators Nationwide Best Practices Audit Initial dashboards based on national education research and review of best practices across the country Received and incorporated feedback on dashboard from 3,000 educators Enhancements to dashboards will be based on Tennessee stakeholder feedback Academic Research Stakeholder engagement in TN, continually evolving system Focus Groups with 3,000 Educators
Dashboards drive… Information Action Outcomes Timely Relevant Student-centric Action Data-driven decisions Targeted action plans Outcomes Improved student achievement
Goals for Dashboard Pilot Identify and resolve data anomalies at the student, campus, and district level Gather feedback on educator needs for on-going dashboard development Incorporate dashboard use into current data-driven best practices Refine training approach for future roll-outs Generate enthusiasm for the dashboards Key Considerations for Dashboard Pilot Users The dashboards are a work-in-process – your feedback is vital to continuous improvement Relevance of the dashboard metrics depends on the timeliness and accuracy of available data Some data is not currently available – we are planning to load state assessment data over the summer
Dashboard Demonstration Link to video: http://vimeo.com/47511948
EWDS Dashboard at a Glance Dashboard Content Program participation Enrollment dates Contact information Key transcript data: Current & historical coursework and student grades Student Information Attendance and Discipline Daily attendance and days absent Class period attendance Tardy rates Discipline Assessments and Grades State assessments* (TCAP, EOC, Gateway) Course / subject area grades Credit accumulation Academic Potential Advanced course potential* AP Scores* College entrance exams* (EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT) Introduce the dashboards using the following points: 1. The Early Warning Data System dashboard allows teachers, campus administrators, and district personnel to use and analyze student data. 2. As mentioned previously, the dashboards pull from multiple demographic, assessment, and behavior data sets to put all information in one place. (Reference the slide for specific examples of data included in the dashboards.) 3. Student data will roll up into classroom, campus, and district data, which may be viewed based on your role. 4. You will only be able to see data for the students for whom you have academic responsibility. As teachers, this will include students in your class. Campus administrators will be able to see data for all students and teachers. 5. Known issues include… Highlights trends over time and flags negative trends Easily drill down for more detail (e.g., detail, historical data, student exception lists) Highlights where students are not meeting performance goals Key Features: * Feature Coming Soon
End User Training Objectives At the end of this training, you will be able to… Log in to the dashboards Customize the data in your view Create a watch list Use the “More” button to access student data details Search for student information Submit a support ticket
Dashboard Teacher Landing Page
Navigating to a Student List Administrators can access the student list through Campus Information tab
Classroom View: Add and Remove Data Columns can be added or removed in all student lists using Customize View button.
Create a Watch List for Student Intervention From all student lists, a custom watch list can be created to monitor student progress over time.
Student Data and Using More Menu The More button provides access to additional details such as days absent calendars and details on grades.
Student Data and Using More Menu The More button provides access to additional details such as days absent calendars and details on grades.
School Data and Using the More Menu The More button provides further detail on the students that are not meeting the goal.
School Data and Using the More Menu Student List features is an exception list of each student not meeting the goal and their performance on other metrics.
Students by Demographic Access student in different programs quickly through the Students by Demographic tab.
Find Information Using Search Bar Search capacity will vary by role type.
Guided & Independent Exercises Guided Exercises: Customize View by adding and removing data Create a Watch List of students for intervention Navigate to student view and find detail using the More Menu Student details School details Independent Exercises: Administrator Exercises in Worksheet Access Students by Demographic Search for a student Export or Print class list Explore student metrics and transcript page Submit support ticket if necessary
Logging in to the Dashboard Turn your PC or laptop on Open Internet Explorer or Firefox browser Go to https://tn-production.cloudapp.net Select Your District Log In: User Name: Same as Domain Credentials Password: Same as Domain Credentials
Customize View by Adding More Data Task: Add Days Absent to your default view. Debrief: What other metrics would you add, or remove?
Create a Watch List for Intervention Task: Create a watch list for students a high number of days absent. Debrief: How often would you update your watch list?
Student Dashboard and More Menu Task: Navigate to a student view and use More Menu to find more information on attendance patterns.
Independent: Search for Information Search capabilities vary by role Search options may include campuses, students, and teachers
Independent: Student Transcript Page Student transcript page displays current courses and course history, GPA, credit information, and historical assessment scores
Dashboard Support Function Be sure to include the student name, ID #, and a description of the issue, including the metric name and expected result
Debrief Questions Implementing the Dashboard What are your favorite dashboard features? What are the possible effects on instruction as a result of the tool? How could it affect professional collaboration on your campus? How will you use the dashboard on your campus or in your classroom?
Applications for the EWDS Dashboard Individual Student Put issues in context– new grading period, counselor/principal visits Student goal setting – set individual goals for benchmark performance Parent / teacher conference – print and share student dashboards Cross section of data Individual Education Plan meetings – preparation and presentation Targeted student interventions – supports thorough analysis PLC/departmental meetings – review benchmark and grading trends RTI committee meetings – identification and monitoring Intervention planning – TCAP prep, post-benchmark pull-out/push-in Truancy warning – identity and track students with attendance issues Campus tracking for at-risk students – create custom watch lists Across students Presenter’s note: If the debrief questions generate thoughtful responses and discussion, feel free to skip this page. If not, highlight a few ways to use the dashboards that would be applicable for the audience. Wrapping up the first part of the training, In the first part of this training, we: Introduced the Early Warning Data System project Provided an overview of the dashboards Completed the guided exercises and discuss applications for the dashboard Review with Trainers: Does anyone have any questions about the information we covered in the first part of the session? Was anything unclear? Would you like to review any of the exercises again? Please be candid because we want to make sure that you are comfortable with these exercises when you train others. After we take a break, we will come back and discuss: Training plans and best practices Walk through the guided exercises and dashboard applications for training Discuss support and feedback mechanisms Answer any questions you have about the actual trainer role or materials Across campus Student scheduling – credit accumulation, AP potential, course history Resource allocation – link budget decisions to greatest student need Campus improvement planning– identify and track areas of need
Training Feedback Survey Thank you for attending the session today! Please go to the following website and complete a short survey to give us your feedback about today’s training: www.surveymonkey.com/s/TDOE